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The 6 Benefits of Nettle For Your Body.

The 6 Benefits of Nettle For Your Body.

The nettle is one of the favorite plants of the greatest modern herbalists.

This plant, everyone knows it, because it stung us all one day!

It is found everywhere, but its bad reputation makes us forget its many benefits.

Here are the 6 benefits of nettle for your body that you need to know :

The 6 Benefits of Nettle For Your Body.

1. Stops bleeding

Nettle is an essential medicinal plant. Its remineralising and depurative actions make it possible to stop bleeding.

Nettle can reduce heavy periods or fight against anemia. In soup, nettle is excellent and will cure these blood ailments.

2. Relieves joint pain

For joint pain, rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, gout, it is effective as a poultice.

Then mix a little green clay with young fresh nettle leaves and apply directly to the painful area until the clay is completely dry.

3. Stimulates milk production

For women who breastfeed their toddlers, know that nettle stimulates milk production .

So if you're planning to be pregnant in the next few months, you know what you have to do :-)

4. Fight against dandruff

Nettle is a practical and economical cosmetic. A nettle infusion as a final rinse helps fight dandruff and greasy hair.

This is also why you can find many shampoos with nettles. But since it's not cheap (about 13 €), it's better to do it yourself.

5. Heals skin problems

Also consider herbal teas for skin problems such as acne and eczema.

I use them like a lotion with a cotton ball. Its anti-infectious properties have been proven.

6. Against fatigue

Rich in vitamins C, A and B and in mineral salts, nettle is an active stimulant that will be useful when you are in poor shape.

Every winter, I make a cure of nettle soup for dinner. Result, it strengthens my metabolism weakened and cooled by low temperatures.

How to cook nettle

The 6 Benefits of Nettle For Your Body.

In the kitchen, nettle can be prepared in many ways to delight the taste buds.

It can be prepared in soup of course, but also mashed with good potatoes, in pesto, in quiche, in butter, in sauce or even sautéed like a vegetable.

My little gratin recipe:a layer of pre-cooked onions, a layer of potato slices and a layer of boiled nettle leaves.

Savings achieved

Nettle is one of the plants that we all easily recognize in nature.

Picking is pleasant and in addition we bring home plants full of essential minerals for our health, all for an expense of 0 €. Nature is much better than the supermarket or the doctor.

My advice :Prefer non-polluted areas and far from roads. Pick only the young shoots, that is to say the 6 smallest leaves at the very top of the plant. They are the richest in vitamins and mineral salts.

Don't forget to take gloves and scissors to cut them easily;-).

Your turn...

If you use nettle in other areas or if you have other recipes, do not hesitate to share them in the comments with us.