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5 health benefits of blueberries

5 health benefits of blueberries

How often do you eat blueberries? After reading this article you will probably eat them more often! There are many significant health benefits to eating these delicious berries. And you can easily incorporate them into your diet:what more could you want?!

Read also :'Why do blueberries sometimes have a white layer?'

1. Improve your memory

Not only is a handful of berries in your oatmeal delicious, it can also contribute to your brain health. Blueberries are full of antocyanidins, an antioxidant that gives berries their blue color. This has an anti-inflammatory effect, which can reverse age-related decline in brain function. Sounds good, right?

2. Lowering your blood pressure

Eating 150 grams of blueberries a day can help against high blood pressure. A Florida State University study found that participants who ate this amount of berries for eight weeks experienced a 5 to 6 percent reduction in both their systolic and diastolic blood pressures. This is probably due to the vitamin C, potassium, fiber and phytonutrients found in the berries. So sprinkle a hand over your bowl of yogurt in the morning!

3. Improve your mood

No, not just because eating berries makes you happy (although that helps too of course!). Blueberries seem to provide a natural boost to your mood:a 2017 study linked eating blueberries to a positive mood in both children and adults, probably thanks to the flavonoids. The effect started 2 hours after eating the berries, so if you put them in your breakfast, you'll feel great around lunchtime!

4. Improving your heart health

Not only do the berries have a positive effect on your hypertension, they also have a positive effect on your heart. A study involving 93,600 women found a clear link between eating foods high in antocyanidins (such as blueberries) and a lower risk of heart attacks. So carry on with those berries!

5. Fighting cancer

Since blueberries have anti-inflammatory properties, they may also help in the fight against cancer. They could inhibit inflammation, prevent DNA damage and fight cancer cells. More research needs to be done to definitively confirm these effects, but at least it looks promising. In any case, an extra handful of blueberries can't hurt, right?