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17 Incredible Benefits of Castor Oil for Skin, Hair and Health.

17 Incredible Benefits of Castor Oil for Skin, Hair and Health.

When I was a child, my grandmother often talked to me about the 'Castor oil.

For her, castor oil was THE remedy par excellence, a remedy to relieve all types of ailments and health problems.

Before listing its magical benefits, it would be good to introduce castor oil.

Our ancestors knew it by another name:“castor oil”.

17 Incredible Benefits of Castor Oil for Skin, Hair and Health.

Castor oil is a vegetable oil obtained by cold extraction of castor seeds.

It is a plant native to tropical Africa. But that is grown today in many countries around the world (China, Brazil, India, etc.).

Its powerful anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties have been known and used for centuries.

This explains its undeniable success throughout the world.

Many industries today are taking advantage of the therapeutic and cosmetic benefits of castor oil.

Castor oil is thus one of the main ingredients of many cosmetic products (soaps and massage oils).

But it is found in textiles and even medicines.

The benefits of castor oil

Castor oil is one of the few natural remedies whose uses apply to several very common conditions and health problems.

Here are the 17 amazing uses and benefits of castor oil in our daily life:

Benefits of castor oil for the skin

17 Incredible Benefits of Castor Oil for Skin, Hair and Health.

1. Effectively treats skin problems

When it comes to skin problems (sunburn, acne, dry skin and stretch marks), castor oil is a real blessing.

It can save you several types of infections.

For example, it treats warts, boils, foot fungus and chronic itching.

To cure sunburn, warts, candidiasis or acne, simply follow these steps:

- Use a piece of cotton soaked in castor oil.

- Apply the oil directly to the affected areas of your skin.

- Leave on for 1 hour.

- After 1 hour, rinse thoroughly with clean water.

Note: for faster treatment, use this treatment morning and evening.

For small affected areas , apply a plaster soaked in castor oil. Then, cover this plaster with another clean, dry plaster.

For large affected areas , use a piece of clean cloth soaked in castor oil. Apply the piece of cloth to the affected area for 1 hour. Rinse thoroughly.

2. Eliminates ringworm

Castor oil is an effective remedy for ringworm.

It is a disease, benign, but persistent of the scalp due to mycosis which concerns all age groups.

How to explain it? One of the active ingredients in castor oil is the acid undecylenic.

It is a powerful fungicide that kills fungi and acts particularly effectively on ringworm.

Here are the steps to remove ringworm with castor oil:

- Dilute two teaspoons of castor oil in 4 teaspoons of sweet almond oil.

Note: You can also macerate castor leaves in sweet almond oil for several hours. Then, heat the oil over low heat.

- Apply this mixture with a cotton swab to the affected areas of the scalp.

- For best results, leave on overnight. Continue this treatment until the ringworm disappears completely.

3. Reduces fine lines and wrinkles

Applied directly to the skin, castor oil penetrates the epidermis deeply.

The oil stimulates the production of collagen and elastin , which softens and hydrates your skin.

Therefore, daily care with castor oil delays the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

And they make your skin smoother and more supple.

Castor oil can even help you reduce crow's feet, those little fine lines around the eyes.

For best results, apply a drop of castor oil to your previously washed face daily.

Continue for 2 weeks. For the rest of your body, you can also apply castor oil every night, before going to bed.

To discover: Here are 7 Effective Anti-Wrinkle Tricks You Didn't Know About.

4. Treats and eliminates acne

Castor oil has a high content of ricinoleic acid. This is a fatty acid that has the particularity of eliminating acne-generating bacteria.

In addition, ricinoleic acid penetrates the skin deeply. This is what makes it an ideal natural remedy for treating and eliminating acne.

Here's how to use castor oil to treat acne:

- Wash your face with warm water, in order to properly dilate the pores of your skin.

- Then, make circular movements with your fingertips. The goal is to make the castor oil penetrate well into your skin.

- Leave on overnight.

- The next morning, rinse your face with cold water.

To discover: 11 Natural Recipes Formidably Effective Against Acne.

5. Deeply hydrates your skin

Castor oil is a wonderful moisturizer. Thanks to its high content of fatty acids, this oil easily penetrates the skin.

This promotes optimal hydration of the epidermis, including particularly dry areas. A small amount of castor oil is sufficient for this type of treatment.

So if you're looking for an inexpensive, highly effective, and 100% natural moisturizer...

Look no further!

Here is a little advice for use:

- Apply a few drops of castor oil to your face.

- Massage your skin well every evening.

If you follow our tips, your skin will be smooth, supple and revitalized — every morning!

6. Reduces scars

One of the most common uses of castor oil is for scar reduction.

Admittedly, this process only gives results after several weeks. Very regular applications of castor oil are necessary.

But, believe us, the game is worth the candle:the aesthetic benefit is very real in the end.

And once the result is obtained, it is a 100% natural solution with permanent effects.

And again, let's remember.

This property of castor oil that reduces scars is based on its richness in fatty acids.

These deeply penetrate the weakened skin of scars. They give them more volume and stimulate the regeneration of healthy tissues.

Patiently, castor oil works to make your scars disappear and strengthen your epidermis.

7. Reduces stretch marks

Castor oil is the perfect remedy to reduce stretch marks. In addition, the treatment is extremely simple.

Simply massage castor oil directly onto your belly and thigh stretch marks...

Regardless of their origins in fact (pregnancy/gain/significant weight loss)!

For optimal results on your stretch marks, massage with castor oil regularly.

To discover: The Ideal and Natural Remedy for Stretch Marks.

8. Disinfects sores effectively

Castor oil is an excellent disinfectant that you can use on small, minor open wounds.

When you have daredevil children, it can help!

It has powerful antimicrobial properties .

You can therefore use it to treat skin infections of fungal origin (ringworm, as seen above). But also small cuts and scrapes.

Castor oil also relieves itching and reduces pain.

In conclusion, the antimicrobial properties make castor oil a decidedly essential product in your first aid kit.

It is a 100% natural remedy for everyday sores.

To discover: The First Aid Kit Based On 12 Medicinal Plants.

9. Reduces age spots

Several studies indicate that castor oil can help reduce skin pigmentation.

More and more dermatologists recommend the use of castor oil to treat pigmentary disorders.

It is effective on age spots, freckles, discoloration and other "skin blemishes".

Castor oil is packed with fatty acids, including omega-3 fatty acids . These fatty acids are in a way "the magic ingredient".

It is he who helps reduce skin pigmentation.

How? 'Or' What ? They penetrate the weakened areas of the skin and "drain" the pigments. Omega-3 fatty acids hydrate the skin, while stimulating the growth of healthy tissue.

The result ? Supple skin with reduced "imperfections" (redness, age spots or scars).

Benefits of castor oil for hair

17 Incredible Benefits of Castor Oil for Skin, Hair and Health.

10. Promotes hair growth

Castor oil is by far the best natural remedy for stimulating hair growth.

To give your hair more thickness, apply oil directly to the scalp and massage in with your fingertips.

You can also mix it with coconut oil or sweet almond oil.

Castor oil increases blood circulation to the follicles of the scalp, which accelerates hair growth.

It also contains a lot of essential fatty acids, called omega-6 fatty acids.

It is these fatty acids that play an important role in the health and strength of your hair.

For best results, apply castor oil to your scalp. Then let it act overnight. To help the oil penetrate your scalp well, cover your hair with a towel or shower cap.

The next day, rinse your hair well. This treatment will also reduce the split ends of your hair. It will prevent them from breaking.

When you wake up, your hair will be revitalized, thicker and perfectly hydrated.

To discover: 10 Natural Masks To Repair Your Hair.

11. Thickens eyebrows

As you have just read, the use of castor oil promotes hair growth.

Therefore, you can also use it to thicken your eyebrows and eyelashes. It's very effective, and it's quick.

The particular chemical composition of castor oil will also prevent your eyelashes and eyebrows from breaking.

Here's how:

- Rub your eyelashes and eyebrows with castor oil before going to bed.

- For best results, repeat this treatment every evening.

Alternative method:

- You can also massage each eyebrow with castor oil, for 2 min.

- Leave on for about 30 min.

- Clean your eyebrows with lukewarm water, then with a mild cleanser.

- For best results, repeat this treatment daily.

To discover: The Trick to Have Long and Thick Eyelashes Naturally.

12. Gives character and shine to your hair color

Castor oil is a great way to naturally darken your hair color.

It is its high nutrient content that then allows your hair to retain moisture better.

As a result, your hair appears darker and shinier.

Here's how:

- Prepare a small amount of castor oil (about the size of a pea).

- Mix the oil with your leave-in conditioner or styling mousse.

- With each use, apply the mixture evenly, so that it is well distributed on your hair.

The high content of vitamin E Castor oil can also help with dry, brittle nails. Not to mention damaged cuticles!

Try massaging a small amount of castor oil into your cuticles for 2-3 months. The result is stunning.

To discover: 3 Miracle Remedies To Repair Your Split Hair.

Benefits of castor oil for health

17 Incredible Benefits of Castor Oil for Skin, Hair and Health.

13. Effectively cures constipation

Castor oil is a powerful laxative. It can help you treat constipation quickly and naturally.

For best results, swallow 1 teaspoon of castor oil diluted in a glass of water. Follow this treatment once a day, for three days.

To discover: The 11 Natural Remedies To Know For Constipation.

14. Relieves osteoarthritis and joint pain

Castor oil is an excellent remedy for treating osteoarthritis.

Its anti-inflammatory properties make it the ideal massage oil to relieve joint pain, inflammation of the nerves and muscle pain.

Follow these steps to ease your joint pain with castor oil:

- Prepare a piece of cotton flannel or a piece of soft cotton fabric, then fold it in 4.

- Soak the fabric in castor oil.

- Squeeze the tissue well to extract the excess oil and apply it to the painful joint. Taking care to wrap it with stretch film.

- Apply a heat source to the joint. You can use a hot water bottle or a hot/cold pouch. Thanks to the stretch film, the oil will not dirty your hot water bottle.

- Leave on for 1 hour.

Note: Do not throw away your oil-soaked cloth, as it is reusable. You can keep it in the fridge, in a freezer bag.

For best results, follow this treatment twice a week.

To relieve the persistent pain of rheumatoid arthritis, you can drink 2 teaspoons of castor oil, diluted in water.

Castor oil compresses can really relieve joint and muscle pain.

To discover: 6 Remedies to Relieve Osteoarthritis and All Inflammatory Pain.

15. Stimulates the liver and the lymphatic system

Castor oil can also relieve liver pain. Effectively, castor oil-based treatments drain excess fluid from the liver and the lymphatic system.

For this treatment, follow the same steps as described above, with one difference.

You just need to use a piece of fabric large enough to cover your belly.

Apply the castor oil compress to your belly, cover it with stretch film and finally with an old towel.

For best results, put a pillow under your knees and lie on your back for at least 1 hour.

16. Strengthens the immune system

Many doctors and naturopaths use castor oil to increase white blood cell counts. The aim is to strengthen the immune system.

According to a study, castor oil significantly increases the number of lymphocytes in the blood (T and B cells) in less than 24 hours.

A castor oil treatment stimulates your body's defense mechanisms. In the end, it strengthens your immune system.

To discover: 11 Foods To Strengthen Your Immune System and Improve Your Health.

17. And more benefits of castor oil...

The benefits of castor oil are many.

Besides the remedies described above, you can also use castor oil to treat:

- gastrointestinal disorders

- menstrual pain

- migraines

Although it has no side effects, still consult your doctor before ingesting castor oil...

To treat constipation, for example, in order to avoid any complications.

Also, be sure to carefully read the instructions on the bottle...especially the instructions for ingesting castor oil.

How to use castor oil safely?

17 Incredible Benefits of Castor Oil for Skin, Hair and Health.

As you have just read, castor oil has many benefits for the skin.

However, when it comes to facial care, it is advisable to use it sparingly.

Indeed, excessive use of this concentrated product can clog pores and cause irritation or rashes.

Therefore, take care not to use castor oil in large amounts on your facial skin.

Warning:Pregnant women, breastfeeding women and people who suffer from intestinal obstruction or appendicitis should not consume castor oil without first consulting their doctor.

Nutritional value of castor oil

Thanks to its high content of unsaturated fatty acids , in vitamin E , in proteins and minerals , castor oil is highly beneficial to the body.

Here is a detailed table of castor oil nutrition facts:

17 Incredible Benefits of Castor Oil for Skin, Hair and Health.

Average composition of castor oil in fatty acids:

Ricinoleic acid:85 to 95%

Oleic acid:2 to 6%

Linoleic acid:1 to 5%

Stearic acid:0.5 to 1%

Palmitic acid:0.5 to 1%

Dihydroxystearic acid:0.3 - 0.5%

Other fatty acids:0.2 to 0.5%

Castor oil is generally known to be safe and effective. However, few studies have been conducted to define the exact mechanisms of castor oil benefits. Researchers are divided on how it works.

Precautions to take

Before resorting to natural remedies, do this little basic skin allergy test.

Apply a few drops of castor oil to your arm before going to bed. Does it cause itching, rash or redness?

This means that castor oil is not suitable for you and it would be better to use another natural remedy.

To discover: 63 Essential Medicinal Plants For Healing.

Ingestion of undiluted castor oil can have negative effects (it is also not recommended by doctors).

The best way to administer castor oil orally is to dilute 1-2 teaspoons in a glass of water.

Where to find castor oil?

17 Incredible Benefits of Castor Oil for Skin, Hair and Health.

Castor oil is easily found in organic stores or herbalists.

To buy it now, we recommend this castor oil, cold pressed and certified 100% organic .

There you go, now you know the benefits of castor oil :-)

Did you already know this little-known product? Share your castor oil uses with us in the comments. We can't wait to read you :-)