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The health benefits of watermelon

The health benefits of watermelon

When summer arrives and the days get warmer, we all want to lose weight, stay healthy and quench our thirst when we feel thirsty. There is the watermelon known to answer all these points which is better known as watermelon . We are going to tell you all about the benefits that watermelon can bring you for your health.

What are the characteristics of watermelon?

Watermelon can have red, yellow, pink or white flesh. This flesh includes:

  • An antioxidant
  • Lycopene
  • Vitamin C
  • Low sugar

Thus, watermelon helps to protect against several diseases and maintain better health.

Calories and nutrients in watermelon

The few calories contained in watermelon make it a perfect food not to gain weight . For 100 grams of watermelon flesh, there is an average content of:

  • 38.9 calories
  • 0.69g protein
  • 8.33 g of carbohydrates
  • 0.1g fat
  • 0.5 g dietary fiber

Watermelon is still a source of vitamins B 5, B 6, magnesium and copper .

The health benefits of watermelon

Several scientific studies have already shown that consuming fruits and vegetables in quantity would reduce the risk of certain cancers, chronic diseases and cardiovascular diseases . Watermelon is one of them thanks to the presence of antioxidants it contains.

  • For cancers, the consumption of watermelon in large quantities would act on those of the prostate.
  • For blood pressure, consuming watermelon in good quantity would reduce hypertension.
  • The carotein content (which are the antioxidants contained in watermelon and more particularly lycopene) would help protect against the risk of certain cancers.


Watermelon contains lycopene which is a carotenoid with hypocholesterolemic powers . This antioxidant is particularly effective in preventing inflammation and the formation of certain cancer cells such as those associated with the prostat or cardiovascular disease .

It should be noted that at present there is not enough data on the daily intake of lycopene that it is necessary to consume for its effects to be beneficial, but it is known that half a cup of pieces of watermelon is equivalent to that of a medium tomato regarding lycopene. On the other hand, lycopene does not convert into vitamin A in the body like other carotenoids.

The amino acid

Watermelon contains a lot of citrulline which is an amino acid . This citrulline is converted into arginine when it is absorbed by the body. Arginine is an essential amino acid that plays an important role in the immune and cardiovascular systems as well as on the vessels . Orange-fleshed watermelons contain the most.

Eating a watermelon to have the highest lycopene level

To maintain a high lycopene level when consuming a watermelon, it is necessary to cut the flesh into pieces and consume it within the first four days while keeping the rest cool. Beyond that, the lycopene level decreases by 6 to 11%.

Knowing how to choose your watermelon

To choose a watermelon, it is quite difficult. On the other hand, the best ones are the most heavy in relation to their size and their skin should be shiny . If you notice that part of the skin is a little yellow, it's nothing, on the contrary, this color indicates that the watermelon is ripe.

Keep a watermelon in optimal conditions

For a watermelon to have a better chance of retaining its vitamins and other nutrients good for your health, you have to know how to keep it in good conditions. So, be aware that she does not like the cold too much. Watermelon keeps best between 15° and 20° for about ten days if it is not too ripe at the start. If you have a cool place like a cellar, it will be ideal to keep it in the best conditions. Otherwise, it is best to cut the watermelon into large cubes or slices and freeze it. You can also put it through a juicer and freeze it.

Prefer watermelon with or without seeds?

For 80 years there have been seedless watermelons . On the other hand, it is advisable to choose a watermelon with seeds , because they are rich in lipids, proteins and carbohydrates . In some countries like India, flour is made with these seeds to make bread. Asians roast them and eat them salted. Other ethnic groups derive an edible oil from it. It's up to you if you want to eat these roasted pips or others for the benefits they could bring you.

Contraindications to watermelon

Watermelon can be eaten by almost everyone, as there are very few contraindications. However, beware of people allergic , because watermelon can cause some reactions. If a person develops hyperargininemia , it is also advisable not to consume watermelon. If a person has an allergy after consuming watermelon, they should see a doctor very quickly