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The health benefits of guava

The health benefits of guava

Guava is a very good exotic fruit with a mixed taste of various flavors approaching a little strawberry and peach. Psidium Guajava , fruit of the guava tree , it is little known to the general public, but deserves that we are interested in it as much for its subtle exotic taste, as well as for its nutritional qualities. Guava is very good to consume for pleasure, but also for your health.

The characteristics and nutritional values ​​of guava

Guava contains a real treasure for our health , because it contains:

  • Dietary fiber
  • Antioxidants
  • Vitamins A, B and C
  • Folic acid
  • Quercetrin
  • Potassium

Guava contains 68 kcal per 100 grams of fruit. Moderately caloric , so this fruit is perfect to be consumed even during a diet . The carbohydrates it contains are quickly integrated into the body. Guava contains 83% water and allows proper hydration. Its vegetable proteins properly maintain muscle mass from the body. It still has a strong antioxidant power. , regulates cholesterol levels and contributes to good cardiovascular health .

The medicinal properties of guava

Guava is used in the Philippines for its antiseptic, astringent and anthelmintic properties s. This fruit contributes to exterminating thus:

  • Amoebas
  • Mushrooms
  • Bacteria

Its leaves are used as a tooth anesthetic during a toothache. Some use them to help heal superficial wounds . The leaves are boiled in water and lie for a quarter of an hour. Once filtered, the water is used as a mouthwash . These same leaves and the bark are ink used in infusion for:

  • Fight diarrhea
  • Relieve dizziness
  • Alleviate sore throats
  • Relieve nausea
  • Regulating menstruation

Guava, a powerful antioxidant

Guava contains a high amount of quercitrin which is an antioxidant powerful whose role is to prevent the formation of sorbitol . Sorbitol strongly contributes to the appearance of cataracts from a certain age. The fruit is still an important source of polyphenols, vitamins C and A known for their antioxidant properties also. These antioxidants are known to reduce the proliferation of cancerous cells and boost the immune system .

Guava leaves in decoction

The Guava Leaves or more precisely guava tree can also be used in decoction, because they have a strong astringent power . The decoction can be applied directly to the skin where there are skin lesions . This decoction can also be drunk in case of water retention , because it has a strong diuretic power . In case of allergy, guava further limits the production of histamines.

Guava and the cardiovascular system

Consuming guava regularly helps to reduce blood pressure . The fruit still contributes to protect the cardiovascular system of certain diseases and would also reduce bad cholesterol . For the impact on cholesterol levels to be effective, according to a study on the subject, it would be necessary to consume 400 grams of guava per day, the equivalent of four fruits.

Other health benefits of guava

In the leaves of this fruit there is still a high content of:

  • Zeaxanthin
  • Lycopene
  • Lutein

These nutrients would be involved in the prevention of certain cancers and good eye health .

Good to know :a very ripe guava has a laxative effect . On the other hand, if consumed young, it produces the opposite effect.

Contraindications of guava

Guava is an excellent fruit for health. It should be consumed daily, but in moderation. In some people, it can cause digestive disorders or cause an allergic reaction . This reaction results in tingling on the lips and inside the mouth and throat. In this case, it is advisable to consult a doctor promptly if in doubt. Guava is not recommended for people with irritable bowel syndrome or IBS.

pregnant women can eat guava if they do not suffer from an allergy to this fruit.

Guava is an excellent tropical fruit with many medicinal properties for health. It can simply be eaten as a fruit, used in culinary preparations while helping to improve your health . All these indications are given as an indication and in no way dispense with consulting your doctor when a health problem occurs, even if it is minimal.