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White hair:do you have to fight to hide it?

White hair:do you have to fight to hide it?

White hair, a subject on a physical detail that appears trivial at first sight but which in fact conveys a whole lot of questions and reflections, as much for women as for men today. Do I absolutely have to make sure to hide my gray hair as soon as it appears so as not to have the feeling of suddenly falling into old age and thus realizing that we are going to leave our youth forever? Should you, on the contrary, proudly wear your white hair, synonymous with maturity, self-confidence and even elegance?

Why is white hair a problem for us?

For many people, the appearance of white hair rhymes with the onset of old age. Many women dread this moment when white hair shows up, but also more and more men. Nothing could be more normal in a society where youthism takes pride of place.

Nature is made like this, white hair is one of the signs of our physiological changes due to age. They are the consequence of a natural cycle of our body. Over time, the latter produces fewer melanocytes, cells that produce melanin, a dark brown pigment that helps color our skin, our eyes, but also our hair. These cells are not only less numerous but they lose their effectiveness with advancing age. Thus, the synthesis of melanin is done less well and participates, in particular for our hair, in making them lose their color, hence the appearance of these famous white hairs so dreaded for a majority of us.

If white hair is the result of a natural evolution when you get older, its occurrence can however also be due to external causes such as taking medication, serious illness, etc.

Whether they are the logical result of aging or caused by other causes, white hair is difficult for many to assume and wear. We can actually understand that it is not always easy to accept this physical change that is very difficult to hide.

Even if they appear naturally from the age of 30 or 40, and sometimes much earlier, white hair also marks the inevitable passage into the world of seniors, a stage that is often complicated and which must be accepted despite everything. It is normal to want to hide these first signs of old age, especially the very first gray hairs that come to announce that time is passing...

This is why white hair is often hidden behind coloring. But the latter can, given the very regular maintenance necessary for your hair to be planned in this case, very quickly become aggressive for the scalp, especially if you do not opt ​​for natural products to hide your hair. white.

Proudly wear your gray hair, which is becoming more and more trendy

Society is aging. People aged 60 and over now represent 26% of the French population, i.e. 17.8 million people, and they will be 26 million by 2070 (around 26 million) according to population projections made by the National Institute of statistics and economic studies (INSEE). Closer to home, almost one in three inhabitants will be over 60 in 2050 according to Silver Eco, the national portal for aging well.

Society is therefore preparing to better consider these white heads who will become more and more numerous, and that is fortunate. Undoubtedly one of the reasons, with the improvement in life expectancy, especially in good health, which today explains why seniors take greater responsibility for their status and their changing appearance.

Most certainly a reason why more and more people wear their gray hair with pride today, no longer wishing to hide what is one of the first signs of old age for others. On the contrary, white hair is for many of these seniors, women as well as men, synonymous with self-confidence, maturity, wisdom, etc.

On the other hand, from an aesthetic point of view, white hair tends to soften facial features which, with age, tend to harden. White hair is all the more easy to assume and wear if you opt, for a woman, for a rather short, modern, and dynamic cut, but above all not neglected. White hair thus contributes to giving a crazy charm to those who assume it.

Men are not left either. There are many people today who no longer try to hide their white hair, an undeniable asset of seduction for some of them.

White hair is becoming trendy after being hidden for a long time! The proof, even the youngest are getting into it. Out of respect for their bodies and for the environment for those who no longer want to use chemical coloring to conceal even their first white horses, but also for the elegance of wearing white hair brought to the fore by young stars recognized worldwide such as the famous singers Pink, Katy Perry, Kristen Stewart, Nicki Minaj, Ariana Grande, and many others.