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Detox day at home? That's how you do it!

Detox – that is, removing toxins from the body – strengthens the body's defenses, turns paleness into rays, re-energizes and makes you more satisfied. Although a professionally guided detox is the most effective, a detox day at home can also be beneficial for your health. We show you how.

6:30 am:Get up

A glass of warm water with the juice of half a lemon is the ideal start to your detox day. This gets the metabolism going and stimulates the liver and kidneys. It may sound like a paradox, but lemon is an alkaline food and also neutralizes acids in the body.

7:00 am:Let the blood flow

Movement stimulates blood circulation, lymphatic circulation and therefore also natural detoxification. Yoga is particularly recommended.

8:15 am:Refueling

A green smoothie for breakfast provides valuable nutrients and energy for the day. Puree a handful of baby spinach or arugula, half a cucumber, a stalk of celery, half a green apple, some ginger, fresh herbs, linseed and water in a blender and drink.

9.00 am:Water for the cells

Drink two liters of water in small sips throughout the day. This aids in the elimination of water-soluble toxins through the kidneys.

11 am:Protection

Green tea is rich in antioxidants that help protect the body from free radicals. Three to four cups a day are recommended.

12 noon:Probiotic power for a healthy gut

Now is the right time for a serving of sauerkraut or kefir. The lactic acid bacteria it contains are essential for good digestion and strengthen the immune system.

12.30 pm:Lunch

A fresh green salad with red, yellow and orange vegetables from organic farming gives the body exactly the nutrients it needs to detoxify. With a little cooked quinoa and a vinaigrette of olive oil, lemon and fresh herbs.

3 pm:Sauna

30 minutes in an infrared sauna ideally supports the detoxification process. The infrared rays even break down fat-soluble deposits in the body and you also burn 600 calories per session.

6pm:Early and light dinner

Make a vegetable soup with fresh herbs and a little olive oil. Again, green is great. Green vegetables are rich in nutrients and antioxidants. Use spinach, zucchini, green beans, broccoli and herbs for the soup.

8:30 pm:Relax

Relax in the warm bath with your favorite bath oil and let go of all your worries. Negative thoughts can be just as harmful to the body as sugar or alcohol.

9:30 pm:Lights out

Important detoxification processes happen naturally when you sleep. Your body needs eight to nine hours of sleep to recover and recharge. Especially during detox, an extra hour can be good. Dimmed light and a quiet environment encourage sleep. It is best to turn off all electronic devices such as computers, mobile phones and televisions so that you can really relax.