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This is how you sleep well with high temperatures

This is how you sleep well with high temperatures

It promises to be another warm night. That makes it hard to sleep. Although… With these tips you will sleep well with high temperatures.

The ideal bedroom temperature is between 16 and 21 degrees Celsius. Above that, it becomes uncomfortable for your body and can be at the expense of sleep quality.

So what can you do to get a good night's sleep during the heat?

Drink water

Drink two glasses of water before going to bed. This way your body can produce enough sweat (sweat ensures that you cool down) and you do not wake up with a headache.

Read also: ‘How do you deal with heat?‘

Doors and windows closed

Keep doors and windows closed during the day and do not open them until late at night, when it has cooled down.

Cold compresses

Use cold compresses or fill a pitcher with cold water. Place in the fridge or freezer before going to sleep.

Bye alcohol!

Avoid alcohol. Alcohol makes your body temperature rise and has a dehydrating effect.

Equipment off

Turn off all devices. Computers, televisions and lamps give off a lot of heat, making your home even warmer.

Do you want more tips about sleeping well with high temperatures? You can read it in the August issue of Santé that is now in stores.

Text:Mara Ruijter