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Sports as a good intention? That's how you keep it up!

Old habits are hard to unlearn. If you've ever tried to stick to New Year's resolutions and failed, you're definitely not alone. We all know a lot of people whose goals disappear into thin air after the first months of the year. One of the most common New Year's resolutions is to get fit and healthy – a difficult goal, but an important one to stick to. There are ways to make your resolutions easier. Here are some useful tips.

1. Do a quick workout at home before going to work. That way you don't have to shower at the gym or take your clothes to work.

2. Tell people your intention to make it harder for you to quit. Better yet – get a gym buddy so you can motivate each other.

3. Make your workouts easy and fun. For example, buy a trampoline and all you have to do is bounce around. Jump for ten to fifteen minutes while you watch TV or while you wait for dinner to simmer!

4. A gym membership is not visible, so it is often a matter of 'out of sight, out of mind'. Make sure you keep the gym equipment in your home in sight, for example in your bedroom, to remind you to work out.

5. Focus on your goal and set yourself small goals every day. For example, you can keep track of activities with a fitness tracker.

6. Give yourself a small reward every time you reach a daily goal to keep you motivated.

7. Have a training plan for those days when you are really lacking in energy. If you can't handle a full workout, try something simple like a walk around the neighborhood.

8. Cycle or walk to places instead of taking the bus or using the car.

9. Don't get discouraged if you gain a pound or two, because weight isn't always a good measure of health. Keep an eye on your BMI and body fat.

10. Avoid buying unhealthy lunches at work by bringing healthy foods from home. And of course you should also maintain a healthy diet at home.