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Are you more aware of sugar? That's how you do that

Are you more aware of sugar? That s how you do that

Do you have any idea how much sugar you take in a day? It's probably a lot more than you think. With these tips you will become a bit more sugar-conscious.

Every year, the Dutch spend approximately 3.5 billion euros on sweet confectionery:chocolate, biscuits, nuts, licorice, pie and cake. But many other products also contain sugar, without you realizing it.

How do you become more sugar-conscious?

  • Watch the labels of the products you often buy:how much sugar is in them?
  • Preferably drink water instead of soft drinks
  • Take it easy with fresh fruit juices and smoothies, which are often sugar bombs.
  • Drink coffee and tea without milk or sugar.
  • Eat cookies, chocolate, sweets and pastries exceptionally and then choose something you really like.
  • Replace all ready-made desserts and desserts with yoghurt with fresh fruit.

Shopping list

What should you skip on your shopping list and what should you add?

Just skip:margarine, soft drinks, fruit juices, gravy from a bag, wheat bread, rusk, cruesli, currant buns, wheat flour pasta, binding agents for sauces, gingerbread, canned soup, low-fat quark, chocolate, alcohol, crisps, gherkins, salt sticks and jam .

Instead, write down:stevia, butter, water, coconut milk, spicy mustard, sourdough and rye bread, chestnut crackers, kamut or buckwheat flour pasta, quinoa, fresh soup, Greek yogurt, fresh or dried fruit, raw unroasted nuts, sour pickles, and fruit on your list.

From 7 to 13 June, the Diabetes Fund is organizing the National Sugar Challenge:food and drinks without added sugars for a week. Are you also participating?

Read also:3 simple ways to sweeten your food without sugar