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How many grams of vegetables do you eat per day?

How many grams of vegetables do you eat per day?

36 percent of people have no idea how many vegetables they eat per day on average. Spoiler:for most people it is not the recommended 250 grams of vegetables per day.

This is according to a study by Albert Heijn. On average, we eat 127 grams of vegetables per day. 71 percent understand the importance of eating enough vegetables. So why doesn't the average Dutch person eat enough vegetables?

  1. Perishable (35 percent)
  2. Expensive (21 percent)
  3. Not always tasty (18 percent)
  4. Takes too much time (16 percent)

The favorite vegetables
Broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, green beans, asparagus.

The least favorite vegetables
Artichokes, Brussels sprouts, aubergine, celery, chili pepper

Take the kitchen scale out of the cupboard and put it within reach on the counter for a week. Always weigh how many vegetables you use in a dish to gain insight into how many vegetables you really eat.

Editors Loes and Shirley kept track of what they eat for a while. You can read the food diaries in the May issue (from April 25 in the store) of Santé.