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Want to stay fit from home on a small budget? That's how you do that

Now that we have to stay at home en masse, it's time to think. Because even though we are now at home all day, we have to keep working on our health. Fortunately, you don't need much for this. Want to stay fit from home on a small budget? That's how you do it.

Working from home and staying fit

Whether you are forced to sit at home due to all the measures surrounding the Coronavirus, are a stay at home mother or have your own company and work from home, it is important to stay fit. Our body is precious and must remain healthy. Movement plays an important role in this.

For a well-functioning immune system, we must ensure that our body is and remains fit. By the way, staying active is not only good for our body, but also for our mind.

Before you get started, it is important to warm up your muscles. And afterwards it is a blessing if you massage your muscles to get rid of accumulated waste as quickly as possible. You can simply massage with your hands, but it is even easier and faster if you use a fitgun. This guarantees good blood circulation and a faster recovery after a workout.

Staying fit from home on a small budget? This is how you do it

Do you have less to spend? Do you want to stay fit without having to spend tons of money on, for example, a gym or personal trainer? Then the tips below are really something for you:

Look for a used rowing machine

A few weeks ago I bought myself a second-hand rowing machine via It took some searching, but in the end I found a very good device for 20 euros. The advantage of a rowing machine is that you get a complete workout and do cardio. All muscles are used when you are doing it. If you use the device for half an hour every day, you will not only stay fit and build muscle, but also lose weight.

Find a cheap crosstrainer

Not only a rowing machine is good to have at home. You can also opt for an elliptical cross trainer. Not only do you have a lot of choice here, the prices also vary enormously. You can already buy a pretty extensive cross trainer for less than 180 euros. Often a heart rate monitor is included, so that you can keep track of everything. You can also do a cardio workout with an elliptical cross trainer. In addition, you naturally work on your basic fitness. Ideal to alternate if you want to stay fit at home.

Go cycling or grab the inline skates

Everyone has a bicycle. Don't have a bicycle? Then search on Facebook in groups in your area. Sometimes bicycles are given away for free or for very little. When you cycle you not only keep moving, you also get outside. This is necessary to get vitamin D. Don't feel like cycling? You can also grab the inline skates. You can often buy these for next to nothing via Marktplaats or FB groups.

Go for a walk or run

Tired of sitting at home? Then get some fresh air and go for a walk. You don't need more than a pair of well-fitting shoes for this. Walking half an hour every day can have a lot of healthy effects on your body and mind. It has a de-stressing effect and ensures that you get vitamin D.

Buy a hula hoop

A hula hoop costs a few Euros at Action or at and is a handy way to stay healthy and fit when you're indoors. With a hula hoop you can do various exercises indoors. I used to do hula hoops myself. If you practice a lot, you can easily hula hoop for an hour. An additional advantage:it is good for your stomach and hips.

Think outside the box:use gear you have to train

A gym has all kinds of equipment that you obviously don't have at home. That is not a problem at all, because with out-of-the-box thinking you can turn ordinary house, garden and kitchen items into fitness devices. Fill a 1.5 liter bottle with water and you don't need weights. A chair is a handy tool to do all kinds of exercises like the one in the video below. You can even use your kids for training:lift your kid in the air 15 times. Pause for a while and lift again 15 times. There are truly countless possibilities to use everyday items to move more.

Use the stairs to keep fit

Do you have stairs at home? Then you don't need anything to train. The stairs are perfect for staying healthy and fit. Climbing stairs has been proven to support runners as well. In addition, it is good for people who want to have a flat stomach. Also good for:Tight buttocks, muscular calves and strong thighs. All in all, climbing stairs is a good cardio exercise for everyone.

Grab a skipping rope

You can buy a skipping rope for next to nothing and it helps you to keep moving. Extra fun:you can also do this together with the children. Don't like a skipping rope? Then you can alternatively buy a trampoline (can be bought for indoor and outdoor use) or play the triple jump game.

Gardening as a fun alternative to keep fit

Do you have a garden? Then you can get started in the garden. It is now spring and therefore the time to prepare the garden. Not only can you take care of your garden, that also applies to your terrace. Scrub the tiles, prepare your garden furniture and make sure your (vegetable) garden is ready to be planted. Not only do you burn a lot of calories, you will soon be able to enjoy a beautiful garden (and a good yield).

Do some more housework

Spring is the perfect time to give your home a thorough overhaul. This certainly applies in a time like this:most people are obliged to sit at home and have more time than usual. Use this time to clear out the shed and clean your house room by room. Costs you nothing, cleans up and keeps you moving.

Track your performance

If you are busy at home, you can quickly misjudge what you have or have not done. Fortunately, there are several apps that can help you to have an overview of how many calories you burn in a day or how many steps you have taken. In addition, you can also buy various watches that keep track of exactly what you have done, what your heart rate is, etc. Ideal if you want to have a little insight into everything.

Reading tip:this blogger tested the Fitbit watch

What do you do to stay fit from home on a small budget?