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10 minutes to Build Abs at Home.

10 minutes to Build Abs at Home.

Abs are both useful and aesthetic. It is therefore necessary to strengthen them regularly.

Here are some exercises to do at home daily, for 10 minutes.

From day to day, try to reduce the breaks between the different sets and exercises.

Ideally, take a 10-15 second break each time.

10 minutes to Build Abs at Home.

Exercise 1:the accordion

Description of the exercise

Make sure you control the descent and brush your knees on the ground.

Do 3 sets of 15 reps.

Exercise 2:crunches

Description of the exercise

Choose the variant that suits you:legs bent at the beginning, then stretched. Then try to touch your feet with your hands!

Do 2 sets of 15 reps.

Exercise 3:plank

Description of the exercise

Be careful not to arch your back:raise your buttocks slightly!

Hold for 20 seconds. Increase the duration a little each day if you feel you can.

Exercise 4:the Good Morning

Description of the exercise

When you build your abdominal muscles, don't forget their antagonist muscle:the lower back. Otherwise you will become stooped!

Remember to pull your buttocks back to solicit the lumbar effectively.

Do 2 sets of 12 reps.

Exercise 5:obliques

Description of the exercise

An abs session would also not be complete without working on the obliques (the sides of the stomach).

Do 2 sets of 25 reps on each side.

Repeat this session every other day for the first two weeks , then 5 times a week. The results will be there!

Come and share your (lack of?) motivation in the comments!