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10 vegetables you can regrow forever!

10 vegetables you can regrow forever!

Before you throw your vegetable and herb scraps in the trash , think twice!

Did you know that these leftovers can give life to new vegetables?

So you can regrow vegetables from a root you were going to throw away!

And repeat over and over again... Economical and ecological, isn't it?

Here are 10 vegetables you can regrow in your home forever. Watch:

10 vegetables you can regrow forever!

1. Lettuce

10 vegetables you can regrow forever!

To regrow a lettuce, keep the heart of your salad. Put some water in a container. Place the heart of your lettuce in the container that you will install in the light. Good sun exposure is necessary. Change the water regularly. Wait a few days and you will see the first little leaves grow back. Wait a few more weeks and you'll get a nice salad!

2. Chinese cabbage

10 vegetables you can regrow forever!

Chinese cabbage regrows in the same way as lettuce. Keep its heart and place it in a container with a little water. Put it in the light and change the water regularly.

3. Green onions

10 vegetables you can regrow forever!

Delicious in salads, green onions also have the right to a second life. In 5 days, they grow back very well. It is even the vegetables that grow back the fastest. To achieve this result, simply put the ends you are not using in a glass of water, roots down.

4. Leek

10 vegetables you can regrow forever!

The leek is also the champion of regrowth! Just use the same method you used for the green onion. Place the end you were going to throw in a glass of water, letting the roots soak in the water.

5. Garlic

10 vegetables you can regrow forever!

For garlic, you have to be more patient. Take a few cloves of garlic and plant them in the soil of a pot. Remember to water them once a week. After one or two months, a shoot will point the tip of its nose. Remove the flower of the garlic, and keep the rest which looks like a green onion. Now you just have to wait several months before you can harvest your garlic.

6. Basil

10 vegetables you can regrow forever!

What a pleasure to have basil always on hand! It could not be easier. Keep one or more branches and put them in water. Good to know:the longer the stem, the easier the regrowth will be. Seven days later, roots will appear. You will wait about ten days before replanting your sprout in the ground, in the sun.

7. Ginger

10 vegetables you can regrow forever!

Growing ginger requires patience. To start, save a piece of your ginger root and plant it in potting soil. Place the pot in a humid place, with light. After 8-10 months, you will see a new root appear.

8. Fennel

10 vegetables you can regrow forever!

It's child's play to regrow it. Just keep the heart of the bulb and put it in a bowl with a little water. You will soon see small shoots just waiting to grow on the bulb.

9. Celery

10 vegetables you can regrow forever!

As for the salad, use the heart of the celery and put it in a container with a little water, in the light. All that's left to do is wait! Celery is very easy to grow:that's good because it's one of the vegetables that contains a lot of pesticides. Might as well grow it at home!

10. Lemongrass

10 vegetables you can regrow forever!

Delicious in Asian dishes, lemongrass grows quickly. A few branches in a little water in the sun, and you're done. It is satisfied with little and grows a lot:you will get a beautiful plant of 30 cm. All you have to do is help yourself!


There you go, you now know how to regrow these vegetables at home in an unlimited way :-)