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15 Minutes of Cardio to Sweat Deeply!

15 Minutes of Cardio to Sweat Deeply!

Whether you're looking to let off steam, slim down or improve your cardiovascular endurance, it is quite possible to exert yourself with the psynetic method. To convince yourself of this, try this short 15-minute session.


A psynetic method session often begins with a refocusing on oneself, so that one's attention is focused on one's own body during the session. This concentration will give you better body control.

To start, stand up , shoulders low and gaze horizontal. Relax while standing up straight.

  • Inhale as much as possible and then slowly exhale all the air in your lungs.

  • Close your eyes.

  • Again, inhale as much as possible and then slowly exhale all the air in your lungs.

  • Open your eyes.

Perform the drop stretch by counting three slow breaths in the bottom position.

The Exercises

The body of the session includes 5 exercises to chain without recovery time.

  • Exercise 1:5 good mornings;

  • Exercise 2:6 burpees;

  • Exercise 3: 20 squats;

  • Exercise 4: 10 crunches;

  • Exercise 5: 5 scissor lunges (1 rep =left side + right side).

These 5 exercises constitute a circuit that must be repeated 3 times , blowing 30 seconds between rounds.

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  • Hold the tree pose, 10 breaths on each foot;

  • hold the prayer stretch for 10 breaths;

  • hold the fan stretch, 10 breaths on each side.

As you will have understood, the psynetic method is not just gentle gymnastics. It's the art of moving your body wisely, whether you're trying to sweat or not.

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