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Tips to start training again after the summer holidays

After a summer of relaxation, socializing, perhaps overeating and limited exercise, getting back to a routine isn't easy, especially with exercise. So the question is, how do you get back into routine? If you've gotten a little off track and need a motivation boost, here are some tips on how to start exercising again and get back to a healthy routine.

Set goals again
After a period of inactivity, the goals you had before are invariably hard to find. This won't get you out of bed as winter approaches. Instead, set some new goals. These could be exercise-related or just lifestyle changes you want to make. Write them down, then act.

Take it easy
After a break from training, the body gets used to this. Regardless of the intensity of your previous training regimen, remember that it takes time to get back to exercising after each break. Don't go too fast in the beginning as you risk injury. Start with shorter and lighter exercises, increasing the time and intensity in small increments when you feel ready.

Choose your favorite form of movement and get started
A yoga exercise to stretch your muscles will do amazing things for your physical and mental state, so quickly roll out your yoga mat for a series of yoga poses. Jogging, jumping rope, and just walking around the house or neighborhood are good options if you don't like going to the gym. Soon you will feel ready to conquer everything you need to overcome with the help of some feel-good endorphins coursing through your body.

Eat healthy in addition to exercise
It is quite common that when you return from vacation you have the feeling that you have eaten and drunk too much and unhealthy. That's not bad at all for a few weeks! But now that you're home, your body needs loving attention. Make sure you feed yourself with balanced and healthy meals, and stay hydrated throughout the day, so you can feel good again in no time.

Take a break from eating out
If you long for your own home-cooked meals after being away, let that be your motivation to cook daily. When you cook yourself, you are in control of the ingredients and you can avoid the bad calories and excess sugar and salt found in many restaurant meals.

Make sleep a priority
Too often the importance of sleep is brushed aside and it's only when we're cranky, moody, exhausted and burned out that we ask ourselves:what's wrong with me? Sleep is not even thought of, but getting the right amount of sleep can be the cure for many things in life. When you get back from vacation, make sure to prioritize sleep.

Have a backup plan
You will inevitably have days when you don't feel like your planned workout. It's easy to be tempted to sit on the couch, but it's always better to do something than nothing. Keep in mind possible alternative workouts and have some versatile and effective fitness tools on hand such as a resistance band and skipping rope so that you will never be unprepared. Tip:At workout gear you will find good fitness products for a great price.

Listen to your body
As always, success in training depends on knowing and respecting the limits of your body. Pay close attention to how your body responds to exercise when you're trying to get back in shape. If you experience strains or sprains or worse, consult a doctor before continuing to exercise.