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Why you arrive in winter

Do you often gain a few kilos in the winter? These reasons could be the cause.

Nothing has come of sports for a while
It's too cold to run outside, when you went to the gym that storm with code red just raged. Try not to make the weather an excuse not to exercise. If necessary, take your sports equipment with you to work and go to the gym immediately after work.

You only wear thick clothes
Because of all those wide, warm sweaters and layers of clothing, you would almost forget what your body looks like under all those clothes and that you have to wear a bikini again in a few months. Be aware of what your body looks like and try to get motivation from that to keep exercising.

You lose your healthy habits because of your winter blues
Some people suffer from a winter dip. Less energy and a listless feeling mean that you might rather lie in your bed than exercise or grab an unhealthy quick meal. Remember that exercise and healthy eating actually help you feel better. If your winter dip is very serious, you can visit your doctor.

Source:Fitsugar | Image:Shutterstock