Want to lose fat?
It's true that these small beads are not super aesthetic...
Especially when you put on T-shirts and tank tops...
Wondering what to do to lose weight and lose your love handles quickly? Don't panic!
There are effective exercises to strengthen this part of the body that is too often neglected.
We have selected for you 10 easy exercises to do at home to lose fat quickly . Watch:
- Raise your arms.
- Keep them parallel to the ground.
- Circle forward, squeezing your shoulder blades together for 45 seconds.
- Rest 15 seconds.
- Repeat the exercise by making circles with the arms backwards.
- Stand with your feet parallel, hip-width apart.
- Slightly bend your knees.
- Bend your bust forward, pulling your shoulders slightly back.
- Bend your arms and raise them, tightening your shoulder blades.
- Lower your arms back to the initial position.
- Do this exercise for 45 seconds and recover for 15 seconds.
To enhance the effectiveness of this exercise, you can do it while holding weights.
Be careful to keep your back flat and straight. You don't have to arch or bend it.
This exercise is very similar to the previous one:same starting position and same movement.
But this time, you have to lift the weights 5 times in a row before extending your arms so that they return to their initial position.
You have to do this exercise for 45 seconds in a row and then rest for 15 seconds.
Here too, be careful to keep your back straight and flat:no question of bending it or arching it!
The superman exercise is an extremely effective core exercise.
- Lie on your stomach with your arms and legs straight.
- Keep arms and legs straight.
- By contracting the abs and gluteal muscles, raise the arms and legs as high as possible.
- Return to the initial position.
- Do this exercise for 45 seconds then relax for 15 seconds.
This exercise will strengthen your lower back.
Warning! The head remains in line with the back:the neck is in a neutral position.
Don't break your neck. If you ever have pain in the neck, it's because you're straining the neck.
- Lie on your stomach, arms along your body.
- By contracting the glutes, lift the chest and shoulders slightly off the floor. The arms also lift. The feet remain in contact with the ground.
- Bringing the shoulder blades together, bring the arms to shoulder level, bending the elbows.
- Then stretch your arms forward.
- Return to the initial position.
- Do this exercise for 45 seconds then relax for 15 seconds.
This exercise perfectly complements the superman exercise. It works the muscles of the back (square of the loins) and the obliques.
- We start in the same position as the superman. Then when the arms and legs are stretched and raised, we maintain this position for 45 seconds... Or more if you can! Breathe steadily throughout this exercise.
- After holding the position for 45 seconds, release.
If you don't last 45 seconds on the first try, that's okay. Go gradually. You will quickly progress and achieve your goal.
This exercise is very effective for strengthening the lower back and abs.
- Stand with your legs straight, wider than shoulder width apart.
- Pivot the bust to one side until the hand touches the opposite foot. The other hand is stretched in the air.
- Straighten up and do the same movement on the other side. The objective is to make a large rotation of the torso.
- Keep your back straight and exercise your abs.
- Do this exercise for 45 seconds and rest for 15 seconds.
- Lie down on the floor.
- Place fingers behind ears, elbows touching mat.
- By contracting the muscles of the lower back, those of the glutes and the abs, lift the whole bust as high as possible.
- Hold this position for a few seconds and lower slowly.
- Do this exercise for 45 seconds and release.
Be careful, do not lift only your head, otherwise you will put too much strain on your neck. If your neck hurts, you're pushing too hard on it.
- As for the superman, lie down on the ground.
- By contracting the glutes, the abs and by soliciting the muscles of the lower back, lift the bust.
- Stretch your arms forward.
- Then tightening the shoulder blades, bend the arms to the sides and bring them along the body without touching the floor.
- Do this exercise for 45 seconds then relax for 15 seconds.
The goal is to properly exercise the back muscles and the shoulder blades. It is an effective exercise for strengthening the upper and lower back.
- Start lying on the floor.
- Straighten your arms and legs then, contracting your abs, lift your chest off the ground.
- Raise your left arm and left leg at the same time and maintain your balance.
- Then do the same on the other side.
- Do this exercise for 45 seconds then relax for 15 seconds.
There you go, you know how to build your back muscle and lose back fat.
It is very important to build strong back muscles. Certainly, there is an aesthetic side, but not only.
Strengthening your back has a positive impact on your health.
According to scientists, it is necessary to do exercises that target each part of the back.
A muscular and toned back helps to adopt a good posture, to protect the spine and to eliminate bulges and love handles.
These exercises will help you achieve these goals. Provided they are well executed! If you are not used to doing them, it is better to be well supervised.
If it is the first time that you perform them, it is better to do them in the presence of a professional so that they explain to you how to perform them correctly without injuring yourself.