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Things you should do after every workout

Sometimes all you want to do after a hard workout is rush out of the gym so you can get on with the rest of your day. But there are small steps you can take immediately or shortly after exercise to stay healthy and ensure a successful workout next time. Get into the habit of doing as many of the following from this list as you can every time you finish a workout.

Stick to a cool-down
If you have to, you may decide it's best to go to the locker room right after the cardio. Not a good idea. A good cool-down where you move with a light intensity only takes a few minutes. Allowing your body to come off a moderate or intense workout in comfort will give you a smooth, gradual transition from the elevated heart rate. And it helps, among other things, to prevent dizziness.

Stretch the muscles you've trained
You've heard it before, and with good reason:stretching is an important part of fitness. Taking the time to do a proper stretch after exercise, when your muscles are warm, can help improve posture, increase mobility and range of motion, and improve muscle relaxation. Plus, it's nice to take a few minutes to mentally relax before getting on with your day.

Wash your hands
You don't hear this tip very often in regards to exercise, but it can go a long way in keeping you healthy so you don't miss out on workouts because of illness. Many people use (and totally sweat) fitness equipment, such as barbells, weight machines, kettlebells and bicycle handlebars. Before leaving the gym, wash your hands thoroughly to prevent the spread of germs.

Change your shoes If you normally wear the same fitness shoes at the gym as you do when you walk around town, consider adapting this approach. Change sneakers before heading out so you get into the habit of wearing a designated pair only to the gym. This ensures that they stay new and supportive for longer, and so does the floor in the gym.

Refill your water bottle
It's easy to drink water right before and during a workout because your water bottle is within reach. But people often stop drinking as soon as they move on to other things. To stay hydrated longer, refill your water bottle as you leave the gym. Keep it handy so you can drink from it for the rest of the day.

Have a snack after the workout Try to eat a healthy snack within half an hour of a moderate to intense workout. Experts recommend a combination of carbohydrates to replenish glycogen stores (fuel for the body) and proteins to help repair muscle soreness. Good post-workout snacks include a yogurt smoothie with fruit.

Get your gym bag ready for next time
Preparing for your next workout just as you finish your current workout can set the stage for long-term fitness success. When you get back home, immediately repack your gym bag with clothes, socks, a towel, shoes and anything else you might need. When it's time for your next workout, you're ready to grab your bag and go. Moreover, knowing that you have already prepared for the training is a good motivator.