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Do you sleep badly? Maybe it will help if you adjust your diet

Do you sleep badly? Maybe it will help if you adjust your diet

Do you have a hard time falling asleep? Nutritionist Anita Mulderij gives advice.

Anita Mulderij: 'You got to bed on time, you didn't secretly watch that one exciting series until late and you are currently not experiencing any extra stress at work. Yet you lie awake for hours every time. Annoying. Not only does a lack of sleep cause a lack of energy, but it can also cause you to gain unnecessary pounds, raise blood pressure and give you a mood swing. How do you ensure that you fall asleep again at night without any problems? Many people do not think about it, but watching what you eat can have a major influence on your sleep rhythm.

#1 Avoid caffeine
Of course, your diet does not only consist of food, but also of liquids. A major – obvious – culprit is caffeine. You can find this in coffee, but also (to a lesser extent) in cola and tea. Instead, drink only herbal tea in the evening. Not only delicious, but the warmth of such a steaming cup of tea also makes you nice and sleepy. Good night!

#2 Drink a glass of milk Although drinking milk is not recommended for everyone, a glass of milk from time to time can contribute to a better sleep rhythm. This is for two reasons:firstly, the power of calcium that contributes to the production of melatonin. Melatonin helps control your sleep-wake cycle throughout the day. Milk also contains the amino acid tryptophan. Tryptophan is another building block of serotonin, the substance that regulates our sleep-wake rhythm.

#3 Eat a banana
Can't get to sleep? Then eat a banana. Yes, it really is that simple. Bananas contain potassium, good for calming restless legs and preventing nighttime cramps (you know, those really sharp cramps that startle you awake at night, ouch!). In addition, bananas contain magnesium. Magnesium helps relax your muscles and nerves and promotes healthy circulation and digestion. What more could a sleepy person want?

#4 Drink!
No, no alcohol. Alcohol can actually disrupt your sleep pattern and cause you to sleep less deeply. By drink we mean:drink cherry juice. Sour cherries are naturally high in melatonin. Indeed, that fabric of the continuous sleep-wake cycle. A 2010 study showed that a glass of cherry juice significantly reduces insomnia. Try it tonight and blend cherry juice with some milk and ice in a blender. The best snack you can give yourself in the evening!

#5 Eat almonds
Why almonds? Almonds also contain magnesium, which helps you fall into a deep sleep more easily. They also contain a lot of protein. Proteins ensure that you maintain a stable blood sugar level while sleeping. Eat a small handful of almonds before going to bed. Not in the mood for such a crunchy snack right before bedtime? Then spread a little almond butter or other nut butter on a whole grain cracker.

#6 Eat salmon (or other fish) A good night's sleep starts with a healthy and sleep-friendly evening meal. But what is the best thing to eat? Salmon is a good option. This soft fish contains a good dose of Omega 3 fatty acids. These have been proven to reduce peaks of stress hormones and promote calmness in the body. Look, that is indeed what you can use when you crawl into bed later. Would you rather not eat salmon? Other types of fish, such as halibut, mackerel and sardines, also contain a lot of Omega 3 fatty acids. In addition, these fish also contain Vitamin B6, which your body needs for the production of melatonin. What's on your menu tonight?'

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Text:Anita Mulderij | Image:Shutterstock