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10 tips to avoid weight gain during the holidays

The holidays are the season of merriment and overeating. If the festive period is usually accompanied by a few extra pounds in the new year, you can prevent weight gain with these 10 tips.

1. Set realistic expectations. Consider patterns in your weight during the past holidays. This is usually a time to maintain, not lose, weight.

2. Schedule downtime. If you tend to have a lot of social events and responsibilities on your calendar, schedule time to relax as well. It's just as important for your overall health.

3. Plan your meals and snacks in advance as best you can. It's easy to get distracted and pick up something "quick and easy" at a fast food restaurant. Instead, bring an apple, banana or a small bag of nuts to eat in the car as a healthy snack.

4. Write it down. This applies to a meal and snack schedule, as well as a food diary of everything you eat. Watch it at the end of the day and start again the next day.

5. Ask for help. It's nice to take care of others, but not so much that it gets in the way of eating healthy, getting enough exercise and getting enough sleep for your personal health.

6. Never go to a party hungry. It is certain that you will enjoy food that is high in calories too much, and you will overeat in no time, but don't go to a special occasion on an empty stomach.

7. Participate in mindful eating. In other words, don't eat while multitasking. Enjoy every bite, focus on the taste. Appreciate every bite.

8. Drink water throughout the day and at events. Staying well hydrated can keep you alert. People often misread the body's signals for thirst as hunger.

9. Use exercise to relieve stress and give you physical and mental energy to follow your healthy plans. Take a daily walk, even if it's just a few minutes. This will help clear your head, regain perspective, control your hunger and increase your metabolism.

10. Get enough sleep. When you're tired, the simplest everyday tasks can be a struggle, not to mention all the holiday hustle and bustle. Lack of sleep causes hormones that affect your weight and mood.