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Is it normal to gain weight during your period?

Is it normal to gain weight during your period?

Having your period in itself is not so pleasant, but do you sometimes feel so fat and bloated during your period? Nutritionist Anita Mulderij explains why.

Anita Mulderij: "You probably aren't imagining it:many women do indeed gain weight during menstruation. Sometimes this can even save a few pounds. How come?

Gaining weight during menstruation:a matter of hormones

The weight gain during your period is mainly due to the fluctuating hormone levels. Just before menstruation, the female hormone estrogen reaches its peak. This is often accompanied by water retention. As a result, you may feel bloated and gain weight.

Once your monthly period kicks in, the high estrogen levels drop again and many women experience abdominal cramping. In addition, not only the hormone estrogen plays a role, but also the hormone progesterone. In the second half of the menstrual cycle, progesterone causes fluid retention and thus weight gain. Some women even notice an increase in the size of the breasts, up to a cup larger, which some ladies don't mind, although it can sometimes feel painful.

Eating habits during your period

Do you also have more cravings for sweets or do you suffer from binge eating just before your period? Then you are not alone. A large proportion of women have a greater need for unhealthy food that is often rich in fat and sugars during menstruation.

Not only your hormones, but also your eating habits play a major role before and during menstruation. Sugary and fat-rich foods are not only high in calories, but can also cause your body to retain extra fluids, which makes you weigh more and feel bloated.

Also read the nutrition tips for during your period.

How do you prevent bloating?

Try to move around a lot when you have your period. Although you may feel tired, unwell or bloated, it will help you feel better and leaner. By exercising you not only ensure that you lose weight in general, but it also ensures that your body retains less fluid by sweating it out.

Avoid foods rich in fast carbohydrates and trans fats. Choose natural and unprocessed food that is low in carbohydrates and rich in natural fats and proteins. This keeps your blood sugar level stable and ensures that you feel full for a long time, so that you have less urge for sweets. Eat a balanced diet and choose meat, fish, eggs, nuts, seeds, seeds and especially many vegetables and a piece of fruit every day.

It can also help to limit your salt intake. Salt also ensures that the body retains more fluid, something that you can certainly not use during this period.

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Text:Anita Mulderij | Image:Shutterstock