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3 Tips for an Express Detox after the Holidays.

3 Tips for an Express Detox after the Holidays.

Did you eat and drink well over the holidays?

Don't feel guilty! 3 tips will help you get back in shape quickly. Discover our "detox-express " !

Immediately after the New Year's Eve celebrations, it is the moment that is called "the Detox cure ".

In other words, a cure to remove our toxins . The gestures to be made revolve around 3 essential axes:food, drink and exercise.

For several years, my ritual has always been the same, and it works! These small gestures carried out simply and regularly, re-invigorate me. Very quickly, I am less tired, lighter.

I already feel it after a few days and, continuing my efforts for 2-3 weeks, I feel better than if I had been on a diet.

Because diets make you tired and weak, while my detox gives me a great shape.

1. Detox foods to know

A healthy body goes through a food adequate. Fruits and vegetables are important, and I favor those that are... in season !

The fruits of winter are full of vitamin C, very good for recovering from fatigue, and finding a nice complexion. Vegetables help to cleanse the body and provide fiber and vitamins that do good quickly.

In my fruit bowl, I prefer clementines, kiwis and oranges.

In my crisper, I prefer cabbage, carrots, leeks and endives.

I preferably steam, to keep the benefits of vegetables, and I eat essential fatty acids (rapeseed and walnut oil, margarine and butter are necessary, in reasonable quantities).

I eat less sugar and I eat less meat for a while.

Slow sugars keep us in shape longer, which is why athletes consume a lot of them!

2. What to drink to get back in shape quickly?

Detox also goes through what you drink! Rehydration in a few days facilitates the erasure of fatigue .

The body resumes a normal rhythm, you feel better in just a few days by consuming the right drinks.

Of course, I prefer water. I drink at least 10 glasses a day for an effective detox. For this, I fill my water bottle to know how much I drink.

I can add lemon juice in some glasses, it will only be beneficial. Lemon has all the virtues:among other things, it gives vitamins, helps digestion and fights against the attacks of microbes and fever.

I am also thinking of teas, herbal teas and infusions. These are drinks that cleanse and fight fatigue. They rehydrate and hunt free radicals.

As a priority:green tea, lime blossom, lavender, nettle, dandelion. At the same time, I try to reduce the coffee, which annoys me and keeps me awake .

Of course, I give up alcohol for a few weeks. It tires the liver and increases the aging of my cells.

3. A simple lifestyle

My body will need more sleep :I gladly offer it to him!

I need restful, restorative sleep, several hours at a time. I have to go to bed earlier, as soon as I have digested my evening meal. And I nap if I can.

I reduce or even completely stop the tobacco, which tires me and gives me toxins.

And, finally, I practice a physical activity as soon as possible. If my schedule is busy, I think of walking and some movements to do at home in the evening.

By practicing these good gestures for a few weeks, my body cleanses itself of the excesses it suffered during the holidays. It regains its tone and above all relearns how to fight against any toxins.

I feel less tired... and you? Did you notice it? Tell me in your comments, I look forward to it!