COVID-19 is still circulating in France...
And wearing a mask is essential in many situations.
It's already not very pleasant, but with the heat it's even worse!
So with the temperatures rising, how to wear the mask without suffocating?
Here are 12 effective tips for wearing the mask without the pressure cooker effect, even when it's very hot !
Black attracts heat, it's well known.
This is also why we tend to wear light clothes when it's hot.
In summer, dark clothes tend to stay in the closets!
"Dark colors get warmer faster and draw the sun towards you", confirms Dr. Anne Rimoin, professor of infectious diseases.
Well, the same goes with masks.
When it's hot, it's best to wear a light-colored mask (white, blue, etc.).
Those in dark fabrics will wait for the temperatures to drop to come out of the closet.
Are you hesitating between a synthetic fabric mask (polyester for example) or a cotton mask?
Choose the cotton mask! The cotton mask makes it easier to breathe. Plus, it's more comfortable even though it doesn't wick away moisture.
So many details that are important when you have to wear it for long minutes, even hours, in 35°C!
For Dr. Anne Rimoin, "how you breathe through a material is as important as how it stops" the virus.
It is certain that we will not wear a mask for very long if we have trouble breathing with it. A fortiori when it's hot!
The way you breathe with a mask is also important.
According to the Robert-Sauvé Research Institute for Canadian Occupational Health and Safety (IRSST), breathing through the nose with the mouth closed should be encouraged when wearing a mask.
Why ? Because breathing through the mouth generates more heat and moisture which is retained in the mask.
On the other hand, breathing through the nose is not recommended in case of physical effort.
"It is only possible to preserve nasal breathing during light to moderate effort", explains the IRSST.
Note also that it is not advisable to wear a mask when doing physical exertion.
To support the mask well during hot weather, it must be worn correctly.
And for that, "choosing a mask that fits the shape and size of the face well can reduce discomfort" , specifies the IRSST.
So if the discomfort is not too great, you wear your mask longer without discomfort.
In general, a comfortable mask has a strip that adjusts at the level of the nose and straps to tie it at the back of the head.
Remember that a mask that only covers the mouth is not effective in protecting yourself and others from coronavirus.
Even if it's easier to breathe that way!
"A lot of people stick their noses out of the mask:wearing it that way, it can't be useful", underlines the director of research at the CNRS, Étienne Decroly.
If your mask gets wet from rain or sweat, there is no need to store it. It then becomes ineffective.
"A mask, when wet, is no longer effective" , says Benjamin Davido, infectious disease specialist at the Robert-Poincaré hospital in Garches.
So if your mask is wet, change it to a clean, dry mask.
Wearing a mask when it is very hot can cause small pimples on the face.
It's a common little reaction. It's okay, but it's not very aesthetic.
To avoid this, it is advisable to moisturize the skin of your face well.
So you can use a homemade cream that deeply moisturizes the skin.
Even simpler, use aloe vera gel, which has many benefits for the skin! It will hydrate and soothe your skin naturally.
In addition, its gel texture is very refreshing when it's hot!
And if your skin can't stand the contact of the mask when it's hot, put a handkerchief under a general public mask.
Wearing a mask when it's hot is not easy.
It is therefore necessary to take care and avoid major efforts as much as possible.
So take regular breaks so you don't get tired.
If you must walk around wearing a mask, walk in the shade.
Do not expose yourself to the sun!
And inside, turn on the air conditioning or put on a fan to cool the air.
To discover: How to Refresh a Room in Your House in Summer?
Wet your neck and forehead as often as possible when wearing the mask in hot weather.
For example, you can use a damp towel to wipe it over your face.
Another great trick to cool down quickly is to wet your forearms with cool water, as explained here.
To discover: 9 Simple and Effective Tips for Cooling Off WITHOUT AIR CONDITIONING.
Wearing a mask should not make you forget to drink very regularly.
It's true when it's hot, but with the wearing of the mask it becomes imperative.
Don't forget to stay hydrated and drink lots of water!
To drink easily with the mask, you can use a straw like this.
To discover: 10 Signs That Tell You Are Dehydrated.
Do you practice a sport that requires wearing a mask? So avoid trying too hard.
In fact, when you play sports, the respiratory rate and oxygen requirements increase.
Not easy to breathe deeply with a mask on!
To avoid discomfort, it is better to postpone your sports session.
To avoid being indisposed because of the heat and the mask, wear the latter only when it is obligatory.
When you're in your car alone or at home, you don't need to wear it, for example.
And avoid hot places as much as possible.
If your heart beats faster or you feel dizzy from the heat and wearing the mask, remove it and get out of the heat zone if possible. Do not hesitate to consult a doctor.