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The 12 BEST Tips for Surviving HOT Summer Nights.

The 12 BEST Tips for Surviving HOT Summer Nights.

It's hot, very hot, even and especially at night! Difficult to protect yourself from the heat...

When you're cold, no worries:add a few layers of sweaters, blankets and you're done.

But when it's too hot at night, you quickly run out of ideas.

We are already in Eve's or Adam's outfit or almost, and we have played our anti-heat asset several times:turn our pillow over to enjoy this delicious feeling of freshness on the other side.

Fortunately, there are simple and effective tricks to lower the body temperature a little.

Here are the 12 best tried and tested tips for surviving hot nights. Watch:

1. Put your sheets in the fridge or freezer

The 12 BEST Tips for Surviving HOT Summer Nights.

Place your sheets in the fridge or freezer for 1 hour. It's a weird idea, we grant you, but so effective. Imagine the pleasant feeling when you slip into cold sheets while the temperature of your room flirts with 27°C.

It is happiness ! Your body temperature will drop and you will gently sink into a restful sleep. On the other hand, if you don't want to sleep with the smell of frozen pizza in your bed, remember to enclose your sheets in a plastic bag before putting them in the freezer or fridge. It will also protect them from moisture.

2. Choose cotton sheets

The 12 BEST Tips for Surviving HOT Summer Nights.

Do you love the caress of your silk, satin or polyester sheets on your body at night? Certainly… But if you want to survive hot nights, opt for simple cotton sheets. Indeed, the air circulates better and you sweat less. To get dressed, same reflex, prefer loose and cotton clothes.

3. Put your hot water bottle in the freezer

The 12 BEST Tips for Surviving HOT Summer Nights.

After the sheets, it's your hot water bottle's turn to go into the freezer. The water it contains will freeze. Place in your bed, it will refresh your sheets and your body. You will love the feeling :-)

4. Orient your fan FACING the window

The 12 BEST Tips for Surviving HOT Summer Nights.

Know that the best way to cool your room at night with a fan is to place it IN FRONT of the window and not point it towards the interior of the room. It will push the warm air out of your room and replace it with cooler air. Check out our tip here.

You can also place a bottle of frozen water or an ice cube tray in front of your fan to cool the air it will circulate.

5. Use the "Egyptian method" to sleep well

The 12 BEST Tips for Surviving HOT Summer Nights.

Dampen a sheet or towel. Once this towel has been well wrung out, as explained in our tip here, all you have to do is lie down on it and cover yourself with this damp sheet. Your body will appreciate this soft cool caress.

6. Lower your body temperature in 30 sec by putting an ice pack on the pulse points

The 12 BEST Tips for Surviving HOT Summer Nights.

To lower your body temperature by a few degrees in 30 seconds, simply cool the pressure points:temple, neck, groin, elbow, wrists, ankles. Put ice packs on these areas or just run cool water, as we describe in this tip.

7. Drink a glass of water before sleeping to avoid becoming dehydrated

The 12 BEST Tips for Surviving HOT Summer Nights.

It's simple, but it works. Drink a glass of cool water before going to bed. It will refresh you and prevent you from feeling dehydrated. You can drink more, but you might have to get up at night!

8. Sleep as close to the ground as possible

The 12 BEST Tips for Surviving HOT Summer Nights.

Better to sleep as close to the ground as possible by putting your mattress directly on the ground. Why ? Simply because warm air tends to rise and cold air to stay close to the ground.

This is especially true if you sleep on a loft. If your bedroom is upstairs, install your mattress in a downstairs room:it will always be cooler.

The ideal solution is to be able to install a hammock at ground level:the air circulates perfectly. It doesn't retain heat, so you sweat less. It is not for nothing that it is used in tropical countries.

9. Switch off all electrical appliances, as they give off heat

The 12 BEST Tips for Surviving HOT Summer Nights.

Lamps, washing machines, computers, ovens... We don't realize it, but all these electrical appliances give off heat. And now is not the time to add to it. Turn off everything, including appliances on standby, and learn to live in the dark! Avoid cooking dishes in the oven. Prefer salads!

10. Hang a wet sheet in front of your window to cool the bedroom

The 12 BEST Tips for Surviving HOT Summer Nights.

You will see, it is magic. The dampness of the sheet cools the air entering your room. Follow our instructions:How to Refresh a Room in Your House in Summer?

11. Take an ice cold foot bath to cool your whole body

The 12 BEST Tips for Surviving HOT Summer Nights.

Fill a basin with cold water. Add a few ice cubes. Dip your feet into it. It's a bit surprising but the cold water will lower your body temperature and relax you before going to bed.

12. Sleep like a star so that the air circulates better between your limbs

The 12 BEST Tips for Surviving HOT Summer Nights.

Unless you have a very large bed, it may not please your partner. But be aware that sleeping in the star position allows the air to circulate better between your limbs. A few more degrees gained!