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What can you do to protect your eyes when the weather is cold?

In the cold winter months, most people live in dry conditions indoors. The heat throughout the day contributes to the season being the most common time people complain of dry, itchy and watery eyes. Dry eyes occur when there is little tear production or when the tear quality is poor and the tears evaporate too quickly. When people blink, the tears spread evenly over the eye, keeping them smooth, healthy, and clear. This is an important step for healthy, comfortable vision.

In most cases, dry eyes can be managed successfully; but colder weather is a common dry eye irritation that people may not be aware of. Dry eyes are often a common complaint for contact lens wearers during the colder winter months.

A common trigger for dry eyes can be humidity. On average, the humidity decreases in winter due to the colder weather. In addition, most people turn on the heating in their homes or offices to combat the cold. So what you end up with is lower humidity outside and even lower humidity inside, giving it hot and dry conditions where moisture can evaporate from the eye faster than normal. This can leave the eyes feeling gritty, dry, tight, and irritated. For those who are prone to dry eyes or think they may be suffering from dry eyes, here are some protective steps:

* Use a humidifier:If you spend time in a heated environment, use a humidifier to put some moisture back into the air. This can help restore moisture and moisture to the eyes.

* Clean your contact lenses:In cold weather, contact lenses can make your eyes even drier, so make sure you always wear clean lenses to reduce the risk of infection and itching.

* Drink plenty of fluids:Keeping your body hydrated will help keep the fluid in your eyes.

* Protect your eyes:If you know that you will have to go outside in harsh weather conditions - extreme cold or wind - wear eye protection or a hat with a peak to prevent the wind and dust from getting into your eyes.

* Distract the heat from your face:You may not be able to feel it at the moment, but heat blown directly into your face will evaporate moisture in your eyes. Turn the vents in your car down towards your lower body to avoid this direct contact.

* Consult your doctor:occasional attacks of dry eye can eventually lead to a dry eye disease.

Although there is no cure for dry eyes, it is possible to relieve symptoms with eye drops and ointments, medication, or by closing part of the tear ducts to slow the drainage of tears once they collect on the surface of the eye.