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5 tips to start January with the best chance of success with your New Year's resolutions

January is traditionally known as the month of resolutions. If one of those resolutions is to lose weight, here are five tips that will give you the best chance of success.

1. Get a head start. If you're planning to go on a diet in the new year, the holidays will give you a head start. Scientifically speaking, weight is gained when people consume more calories than they use. Reducing the amount of overeating during the Christmas season means you have less work to do in the new year.

2. Out of sight, out of mind. For many people, the trigger to eat food is when they see it. Whether it's chocolates, that cake on the display or the leftover turkey in the fridge. You'll be amazed at how much less you eat by simply not being there where the food is or focusing on something else to watch.

3. Postpone your food. As humans, we are incredibly gifted at putting off what needs to be done. While saying no to food can feel like a sacrifice or rude, you can use the phrase “not now, maybe later” when you get that extra portion of sweets or a slice of Christmas cake.

4. Put yourself in a trance. If you've ever driven a car without really thinking or watched a movie and wondered where your popcorn went, you're in a trance. Try putting yourself or other people in a trance this Christmas. Pay special attention to people who eat or drink while watching TV. They will have no idea what they are eating, how much they are eating, or even what it tastes like. Eating yourself in a trance is the first step to change it.

5. Enjoy yourself! For people who diet regularly, the festive period can be a period of guilt or shame. Even if you find yourself eating too much, just be aware that you can always choose to do something different in the future and the past doesn't equal the future. You can still enjoy your favorite festive treats; only be aware of the amounts you consume.