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Is weight loss with meal replacements safe?

Losing weight with shakes or other meal replacements is popular. But is it safe and healthy to use meal replacements? The European Union has investigated this based on solid scientific research from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). The EFSA concludes that it has been scientifically and clinically proven that meal replacements are "safe, effective and healthy" as a method of losing weight - also in the long term. Only full-fledged meal replacements that meet the following legal requirements fall within the "safe, effective and healthy" category:

Checklist meal replacements for weight loss:
-Between 200 and 250 Kcal per meal;
-At least 1 gram of linoleic acid (an essential omega-6 fatty acid);
-Between 25 and 50% of the energy comes from protein;
-Maximum 30% of calories from fat;
-Minimum 30% of the recommended daily intake of 22 vitamins and minerals.

Not all meal replacements comply with legislation