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7 x books about diets and weight loss

When it comes to dieting and weight loss, we could all use some help and advice. Books can be a good choice for that. We have therefore listed the 7 latest books about diets and weight loss that are now in the store or will be released this year.

7 x books about diets and weight loss Beaming in front of the mirror
We all want to be radiant in front of the mirror, and we can do that reaches. The secret? 'The Rule of 3' and 'the 7 Appointments' by Anja Bastings, known as a weight loss coach from various TV programs. In her book Radiant in front of the mirror, Anja helps the reader in a very accessible and feasible way towards a lasting healthy weight. Anja does not believe in a one-sided diet, expensive superfoods, pills, powders, shakes and diets with written menus. 'The Rule of 3' and 'the 7 Appointments' of Anja indicate how much you can eat, whereby you make your own choices and take responsibility. With a focus on a simple diet, this book will help you achieve results you never thought possible before. The tasty recipes, practical tips and success stories in the book give you the support you so desperately need to achieve your goal. With her method she has already made thousands of people look radiant, fit and slim in front of the mirror. Without yo-yo effect!
Shining in front of the mirror €17.95

7 x books about diets and weight loss The Sirtfood Diet Recipe Book
The Sirtfood Diet is not just a diet, it is a lifestyle! The diet that many athletes, personal trainer and celebrities swear by was already big in England. And since the lost kilos of singer Adele are attributed to the diet, it is also a hot topic in the Netherlands and America. Nutritionists Aidan Goggins and Glen Matten are turning our diet upside down with their science-backed weight loss and better health plan. Sirtfood is the collective name for foods that stimulate a group of genes called sirtuins. Once the sirtuin, also called the skinny gene, is activated, you burn fat and build muscle mass.

Following on from The Sirtfood Diet, the accompanying recipe book is now published. For anyone who wants to lose weight with tasty recipes based on these smart ingredients. The more than a hundred recipes are packed with flavor and include the official top 20 sirtfoods, such as kale, parsley, strawberries, buckwheat, walnuts, turmeric, dark chocolate and even coffee and red wine! With this indispensable recipe book full of nutritional advice and tips you can create your own nutrition plan that you adapt to your own routine, budget and diet.

7 x books about diets and weight loss Think healthy, (die)eat healthy
Step by step to a healthier lifestyle
It is a well-known image:you start a diet enthusiastically, but quickly fall back into your old habits. Psychotherapist and coach Anneleen De Lille daily guides people who want to lose weight in a healthy way. She developed a feasible, solution-oriented method with which you learn step by step to think differently about your nutrition. Your relationship with food changes, so that you program line-friendly habits in your brain, as it were. This makes losing weight a lot easier! Moreover, you will enjoy them for the rest of your life.

Anneleen De Lille is a psychotherapist and mental coach. She participated in the Livewell program in Great Britain, setting many hundreds of people on the path to a healthier lifestyle. Nearly 90% of them lost at least 5% of their body weight. Today she helps her clients in OTIZ and Better Mind at Work to develop and maintain healthy habits step by step through a solution-oriented method.
Price:€ 17.99

7 x books about diets and weight loss Women's power food
You work, exercise until you weigh an ounce, have friends, a relationship and does the housework left and right. That sounds like… you! And not just you, because every woman in the Netherlands is a champion of keeping balls in the air. Hetty Crèvecoeur (known from television) shows that this works better with the right care for your body. Concentrate for women is the answer for women with balls (in the air -;). A body that struggles due to stress, fluctuating blood sugar levels or hormones that dance the horn beep – that is very recognizable. But also very much not necessary. Yet many women do not know what to do about it themselves. Concentrates for women show that with (slightly) different eating and lifestyle choices you radiate from the inside and out, calm your digestion and tame your hormones. Nutrition and natural advice give you more energy in a simple way, help you with stress, bring your mood and your hormones to rest. In addition to being a practical book, Power Food for Women is above all an accessible and humorous book. With a load of practical tips you will discover that your female body and your female brain can actually bring you even more pleasure. Bring on those balls!

7 x books about diets and weight loss Recognize your hunger
Marie-Jose Torenvliet is a dietitian and has been researched for the past 20 years why it is more difficult for some people to lose weight than others. Her conclusion is that the key lies in recognizing the feeling of hunger! She discovered that there are 15 different kinds of hunger. You can't lose weight until you know how to deal with each type of hunger. In her book Recognize Hunger, Marie-José explains how our (wrong) response to hunger and satiety can both inhibit and stimulate fat burning. And how you can achieve the weight that suits you by recognizing your hunger. Fatigue hunger, habitual hunger and sense hunger are a few types of hunger that Marie-José describes in her book. Recognizable? These hunger pangs and the other kinds of hunger explain why we sometimes eat more than we should. When you have eaten more than you are used to for a day or a period and you may not have always made the healthiest choices, it can happen that you get extra hungry. Holidays, a weekend away, but also just a night out can give rise to this disruption. This form of hunger is called after-party hunger. That is what we suffer massively after the holidays. But what can you do about it?

7 x books about diets and weight loss Why some people get fat and others don't
Beat your fat with science!
We curse the sister-in-law who does not arrive for breakfast with pizza and look suspiciously at that fuller colleague who claims to really only eat lettuce. So is biochemist Sylvia Tara, a woman who wondered whether body fat is really more stubborn in some people or whether it is between the ears. After countless studies, Sylvia Tara finally gives us a scientifically substantiated answer to the question:Why do some people get fat and others don't? The conclusion is clear:genes, age and gender can indeed thwart you or be good-natured. But don't worry, the science from this book teaches you to outsmart the piece of fat that is bad for your health. And appreciate the good piece, which protects and nourishes your brain.

7 x books about diets and weight loss The Relax Diet
Just relax. Achieve more than you ever thought possible.
The author of the bestseller In 28 Days From Poison Belt to Temple comes with a new book:The Relax Diet. Detox guru Jacqueline van Lieshout helps you to clean up your life and your diet so that you can be the best version of yourself. We think we know more and more about nutrition and have already tried every diet and nutrition program. We've seen the inside of every gym many times and sat on the couch hungry and tormented. Has it made us thinner and happier? Maybe temporarily, but no permanent result. Rather the opposite. This book is about relaxation. Relax and enjoy. It explains exactly how stress can not only grip you, but how it negatively affects your health and weight. How do you stop with that hysterical way of living and find yourself and really find yourself again? And with that, your ideal weight that suits you exactly?
Reserve a copy! Available on 15-12-2017 Price:€ 20.00