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Scientifically proven:nuts help with weight loss

Scientifically proven:nuts help with weight loss

It is well known that nuts are a healthy addition to your diet, but there is also a nice side effect to eating nuts regularly:they help with weight loss.

A long-term study that took about twenty years and in which about 290,000 people were examined, shows that nuts cause you to gain less weight than normal. An adult gains on average about half a kilo per year.

Read also: 'These are the healthiest nuts'

Nuts provide fewer extra kilos

If you eat nuts every day, you are 23 percent less likely to gain five or more pounds in four years. The risk of obesity is also significantly reduced.

Fat and fiber

Still, nuts are often not seen as a product that aids weight loss, because they can contain quite a few calories and fat. But that fat is more likely to make you feel fuller than when you eat a bag of chips. They also contain a lot of fiber and that also ensures that you feel full sooner.

A great alternative to other greasy snacks!