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Seven tips to beat Blue Monday

Today is Blue Monday, said to be the most depressing day of the year. With the New Year in full swing with all the New Year's resolutions, and the colder weather, it's no wonder many are feeling a little down. Try these 7 handy tips to beat this Blue Monday and lighten your mood!

1. Change your perspective In fact, negativity is a very natural and normal process. Because negativity is so poorly labeled, we give it more fuel. By changing our perspective on negativity and the meaning behind it, it will undoubtedly have a positive effect on your life. Feeling bad isn't meant to hinder you, it's there to learn from it, so embrace your negativity and move on.

2. Book a holiday to the sun
The summer months are the most popular time for a holiday with sun, but there are plenty of opportunities during the winter months to move to warmer, sunnier weather. Booking a sunny vacation can increase your levels of serotonin, which can make you feel more calm and focused and make you feel more productive when you return to normal life. Vacation is a great way to break your stress cycle and promote positivity.

3. Book a Staycation
If your bank balance doesn't allow you to go abroad, why not go away for a long weekend in your own country? If you're in need of a rural escape from city life, look out for some of the hidden gems in the countryside. It's amazing how refreshed you will feel after 48 hours away from everyday life!

4. Nice under the covers
It's okay to admit you're a little depressed, so don't bother fighting it! Once you're done working for the day, transform your bedroom into an oasis of calm where you can take the time and rest you need. Make sure it is dark and at a comfortable temperature, and remove light sources, such as televisions.

5. Identify the triggers of your negative thoughts
Why do you think in a spiral of negativity? Does seeing your friends go out and report it on Facebook make you feel uncomfortable? Or maybe you have some people in your life who are negative and who are making you depressed. It can even be the news on the television before going to sleep that makes you feel unwell or even bad. Once you know what your triggers are, you can avoid or try to avoid them.

6. Beat the blues with tea
Tea has many psychological and physical health benefits that can improve your well-being. This fantastic drink has been drunk around the world for centuries to help with relaxation, enhancing spirituality, nutrition and healing, and special teas have a blend of exciting ingredients that promote health. Studies show that tea can increase blood flow, lower anxiety and improve sleep quality. Mixtures such as peppermint, rooibos and green are good for insomnia, regulating blood sugar and boosting your metabolism.

7. Challenge the grind
The only way to promote self-improvement is to focus on who and what you surround yourself with. Sometimes it's hard enough for us to get out of bed in the morning and compliment ourselves without other people commenting on the choices you make. A supportive network of friends and family is vital for achieving inner happiness and avoiding negativity.