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Your cell phone can lower the intensity of your workout

Do you want to get the most out of your training? Then turn off your mobile phone! Because two recent studies have shown that talking or texting on a mobile phone during exercise will lower the intensity of a workout and also affect balance.

The latest of these studies, the impact of different cell phone functions and their effects on postural stability, shows that texting and talking on the cell phone could have a negative effect on one's balance during daily activities.

“If you're talking or texting on your cell phone while you're walking, for example, your attention is shared between the two tasks and that can disrupt your postural stability, putting you at risk for risks such as falls and musculoskeletal injuries,” said the researcher. .

This is the first known study to examine the effects of cell phone use on postural stability. Listening to music on a cell phone, on the other hand, doesn't significantly affect postural stability during exercise, the study found. So the next time you run on the treadmill, listen to music.