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Electric Hair:13 Hairdresser Tips To Fix It Very Quickly.

Electric Hair:13 Hairdresser Tips To Fix It Very Quickly.

I have electric hair all the time in winter.

It's super painful... Due to the static electricity, my hair stands on end.

I ended up telling my hairdresser about it.

And he told me his tricks to get rid of electric hair quickly.

Are you also looking for a solution for your electric hair?

So here are 13 simple and effective tips to stop electric hair. Watch:

Electric Hair:13 Hairdresser Tips To Fix It Very Quickly.

1. Wet your hair

Electric Hair:13 Hairdresser Tips To Fix It Very Quickly.

Your hair stands on end even without gel?

So here is a simple solution to tame your rebellious hair quickly:humidity.

Wet your hands a bit by running them under water.

Then run them through your hair. Does your hair continue to do as it pleases?

Repeat if necessary.

Be aware that there is an alternative to this trick.

And it's a surprising thing. Just wet your hands and bring them close to your hair...

But without touching it!

Stay a few millimeters and it works! You immediately eliminate static electricity.

It's almost magic, isn't it?

You can also use a damp handkerchief on your crazy hair.

2. Apply moisturizer to your hair

Electric Hair:13 Hairdresser Tips To Fix It Very Quickly.

To prevent your hair from flying off, you can use moisturizer.

Do not apply it directly to your hair!

No, the trick is to put cream on your hands.

Then all you have to do is run your hands through your hair.

A light greasy film will be deposited and put an end to static electricity!

In addition, your hands are all soft.

It's a super practical trick when trying on sweaters in the fitting rooms of a store.

It avoids coming out with the head of a porcupine.

3. Spray hairspray on your brush

Electric Hair:13 Hairdresser Tips To Fix It Very Quickly.

Are you tired of your mop of hair that looks like nothing, as soon as you brush your hair?

To limit the damage, spray a little hairspray on your brush.

Or more original, rub it with a dryer sheet before styling your hair.

Note that you can also pass this wipe directly on your hair to eliminate static electricity.

A little weird, but effective!

4. Choose a brush with natural bristles

Electric Hair:13 Hairdresser Tips To Fix It Very Quickly.

But be aware that the choice of hairbrush is strategic...

If you don't want to look like a hedgehog every time you style your hair.

Opt for a brush with natural bristles!

If you use a comb, forget the plastic ones.

Prefer those that are made of wood.

There are even special brushes to remove static electricity.

5. Avoid synthetic clothing

Electric Hair:13 Hairdresser Tips To Fix It Very Quickly.

Taking off a sweater and ending up with your hair straight on your head has happened to everyone at least once!

Yes, some clothes greatly promote static electricity.

This is the case with synthetic garments such as those made of acrylic.

So it is better to choose clothes made of natural materials such as cotton, wool or linen.

Why does it work? Because synthetic clothing absorbs little moisture...

Unlike those made of natural fibres.

6. Avoid drying your clothes in the dryer

Electric Hair:13 Hairdresser Tips To Fix It Very Quickly.

Avoid drying your clothes in the dryer.

It's true that it's very practical...

But the use of the dryer promotes electricity by drying the fibers.

It is therefore best to hang your laundry inside or outside, even if it is cold.

In addition, you save electricity.

If you still want to use it, avoid drying the laundry completely.

7. Put a piece of silk under your hat

Electric Hair:13 Hairdresser Tips To Fix It Very Quickly.

It's a classic!

You put on a hat and when you take it off...

It's a catastrophe. We look like a scarecrow!

Don't panic, there is a really effective grandmother's trick to avoid this problem.

Just put a small silk square in his hat to keep your hair done.

Clever, isn't it?

8. Moisturize your hair

Electric Hair:13 Hairdresser Tips To Fix It Very Quickly.

To prevent hair from standing on end, give it a leave-in moisturizer.

This grandmother's remedy weighs the hair down and prevents it from flying away.

For example, you can use a little aloe vera gel, shea butter, coconut, jojoba or avocado oil.

Once you have chosen your product, pour a few drops into your hands.

Rub them in to warm the oil and run your hands through the hair.

Avoid the roots and insist on the lengths

Your hair is no longer smart!

You can also use a styling paste to discipline your hair.

It's the same principle as with a moisturizing oil and the result is instantaneous.

9. Use a nourishing shampoo

Electric Hair:13 Hairdresser Tips To Fix It Very Quickly.

For a winter, change your routine for your hair care.

Choose a very mild and nourishing shampoo.

It must respect the hair fiber to close it well and not irritate it.

This is also the time to abuse your moisturizing conditioner.

Do not hesitate to apply it generously on the lengths before rinsing.

You should know that the more the hair is hydrated, the less likely it is to be electric.

So, consider making them a moisturizing mask to nourish them deeply.

10. Avoid using the hair dryer

Electric Hair:13 Hairdresser Tips To Fix It Very Quickly.

Just like the dryer, avoid the hair dryer.

It's best to let your hair air-dry naturally.

It's true that in winter it's very practical to dry your hair with the hair dryer.

But it is not recommended, as it tends to dry out the hair.

And that's not what your hair needs when it's electric.

As you know, if your hair is going all over the place, it's dry.

No need to add more! That would be a mistake.

That being said, if you still use the hair dryer, choose the lowest temperature to limit the damage.

But that's not all...

Straightening also tends to dry out the hair. So in winter it is better to space them out.

11. Avoid layered cuts

Electric Hair:13 Hairdresser Tips To Fix It Very Quickly.

It's time to change your haircut if you wear a gradient!

Layers lighten your hair and make it more sensitive to static electricity.

On the contrary, a very straight cut tends to weigh down the hair.

Of course you lose volume, but your hair stays in its place.

12. Humidify the air in the house

Electric Hair:13 Hairdresser Tips To Fix It Very Quickly.

Dry air is often responsible for static electricity.

And in winter, the heating, the stove or the fireplace do not help your affairs.

It is therefore necessary to limit the dryness of the air and humidify the indoor air to discipline your hair.

Nothing prevents you from investing in a humidifier for the home.

Otherwise, there is a very simple solution to humidify the atmosphere.

It is to put cups of water on the radiators.

You can also try one of these tips to humidify the air in your home, without a humidifier.

13. Avoid sudden temperature changes

Electric Hair:13 Hairdresser Tips To Fix It Very Quickly.

As far as possible, avoid big gaps sudden temperature.

For example, if you have just taken a walk in the fresh air...

Don't lock yourself in an overheated bathroom just yet.

Allow a few moments for your hair to get used to the change in temperature.

What causes dry hair?

Electric Hair:13 Hairdresser Tips To Fix It Very Quickly.

The culprit is the static electricity that accumulates everywhere!

Normally, ambient humidity allows electricity to escape into the air naturally.

But when it's cold, the air becomes drier.

Certain objects or materials are charged with electricity and the hair also becomes drier .

Like magnets, they attract each other...

Which makes the hair on your head stand on end!

Your turn...

You've tried those grandma's tricks against electric hair? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!