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How do I survive my period; menstruation, the cycle and all the taboo

For almost all women it is the most normal thing in the world:their period. Your grandmother had her period. And your mother, aunts, neighbor, and so on. Deadly normal, you might say. So do we need a book about menstruation? According to Saskia van Ommen, author of the book 'How do I survive my period', yes. Because having your period and the complaints surrounding it is still a taboo. And in 2018 we may well start doing something about that.

And if you even think about it for a moment, you will understand that she is absolutely right!

Periods:still a taboo

Although (almost) every woman menstruates, and even the average man is aware of it these days, menstruation is still taboo. For example, Saskia van Ommen was regularly told how 'brave' she was. Because she wrote a book about menstruation. What do you think about that? Do you talk openly about your period?

I myself regularly struggle with severe cramps and blogged about menstruation several times. Anne also opened up about endometriosis:a painful and dangerous disease that is closely related to your period. But apparently there are still a lot of women (and many more men) who find the subject taboo. And that is why there is now the book 'How do I survive my period'.

By the way, did you know that Joyce had a little party the first time she had her period? She was so happy to finally be able to talk about it at school. And that's what you wish everyone. that it will become a normal topic of conversation, if there is a need for it.

How do I survive my period

Don't worry, menstruation is more than just blood and discomfort. Now I quote Saskia, the author of the book How do I survive my period. This book is about much more than just stomach pain and tampons. And fortunately it is light-hearted and written with a healthy dose of humor. This topic could really use that.

How do you best take care of your vagina? And how do you get the most out of your cycle? Those are probably not questions you ask yourself every day. That is why Saskia presents them to you. And she answers right away. Moreover, she provides clarity on questions that would not even occur to you. For example, did you know that men also have a cycle? Yes, you really learn a lot if you read 'How do I survive my period'.

A start for conversations at the kitchen table

The subtitle of How do I survive my period is “a start for conversations at the kitchen table”. The ultimate goal of this book is to break the taboo. Menstruating is normal, so why not just be normal about it? And that can best be discussed at the kitchen table. Maybe I'd rather not during dinner, but I'll leave that up to you.

Again, don't expect a theoretical reference book. How to survive my period is a light-hearted, informative and very interesting book. How do you teach your daughter about her cycle? And how does hubby survive your period? You already hear it:a good wink here and there makes this a nice relaxing book. And yet it is still educational too! A very nice book to curl up under a blanket with during your menstrual period (with a hot water bottle) and I would definitely recommend it.

Buy the book? Of course you can do that in the bookstore. But you score How do I survive my period also online. Can you snuggle under that warm blanket? Have fun reading!

<3 You can order 'How do I survive my menstruation' by Saskia van Ommen at