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How To Wash Your Hands To Never Catch The Flu And Gastro.

How To Wash Your Hands To Never Catch The Flu And Gastro.

Influenza caused 14,400 deaths last year.

However, did you know that in 80% of cases, the flu virus is transmitted by the hands?

And it's also true for colds, bronchitis and gastros.

It is therefore essential to wash your hands in the right way to avoid getting sick.

Fortunately, here is a simple and effective method to wash your hands and thus avoid catching the flu or gastro .

Don't worry, it's very simple and it doesn't take more than 45 seconds. Watch:

How To Wash Your Hands To Never Catch The Flu And Gastro.

  • How to
  • Result
  • When should you wash your hands?
  • Additional tips

How to

1. Wet your hands with a little water.

2. Put soap in your hands.

3. Vigorously rub your hands together.

4. Thoroughly scrub fingertips, between fingers and fingernails

5. Wash your wrists in a rotating motion with the other hand.

6. Rinse hands and wrists thoroughly with water.

7. Dry your hands with a single-use paper towel. One towel is enough!

8. Use this paper towel to turn off the faucet and open the exit door.

9. Throw the paper towel in the trash.


And now, by washing your hands in this way, you drastically reduce the risk of catching the flu or gastro :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

It's still worth taking a little extra time to wash your hands!

If you see that your hands are very dirty, you can even add baking soda. Check out the trick here.

When should you wash your hands?

Washing your hands must be a reflex throughout the day to avoid being contaminated by the flu or gastro virus.

Here are all the scenarios where it is essential to wash your hands well:

- before eating

- after going to the toilet

- after changing the baby's diaper

- before taking care of him

- after sneezing or coughing

- before cooking

- after touching raw meat or fish

- after taking public transport

- after petting an animal

- after taking out the trash

- after gardening, DIY or mechanics

- and of course as soon as your hands are visibly dirty.

Additional advice

- Don't forget to remove your jewelry like rings and bracelets.

- Nails, spaces between fingers, wrists... no part of the hands should be neglected.

- Don't forget to rub the back of your hands well with the palm of your other hand.

- To properly wash your fingers, hold them in the palm of your hand and move back and forth.

- Also remember to wash your thumb well because it is the finger that you use the most. To do this, fully enclose it in the opposite hand and rotate.

- For the nails, the best is to use a nail brush like this one. But if you don't have any on hand, rub the nails with one hand in the palm of the other.

- To dry your hands, use a clean, dry towel if you are at home.

- If in a public place there is no paper towel to dry your hands, toilet paper is just as effective.

- When drying your hands in a public place, avoid using cloth rollers and hot air hand dryers as they tend to spread bacteria. Prefer those with cold air.

- Be aware that liquid soap is more effective than solid soap because the latter contains cracks that can harbor bacteria.