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Pimples on the face, the why and how!

As you grew into adulthood, did you think you were going to get rid of pimples for good? Unfortunately, this is not the case for many people. And it is unfortunately women who are most affected by acne problems.

In adults, acne is a dermatological infection that should not be taken lightly

Pimples on the face, the why and how!

Did you know that among women aged 20 to 45, more than half of visits to the dermatologist relate directly or indirectly to problems with pimples on the face ? Indeed, if we refer to the statistics, it is not only adolescents who are affected by acne, but also 20 to 35% of the adult female population.

Occasional, periodic or even punctual, these pimples fortunately do not present a danger to health, but are however very unsightly and are the cause of complexes or discomfort. Worse, without the right treatments, acne recurs and can leave very unsightly permanent scars on the face. It should be noted that people who were not worried by this problem in adolescence can suffer from it in adulthood and vice versa.


Unlike juvenile acne which mainly appears on the upper part of the face, eruptions in adults occur mainly on the chin, neck and shoulders area. And depending on its degree of severity, this dermatosis manifests itself in several ways. The most commonly encountered are white pimples. But, acne can also take the form of very inconspicuous pinhead-sized blackheads. However, we are really talking about a dermatological infection when we are faced with red and inflamed microcysts haloed with pustules. Containing pus, these papules are painful to the touch and are mostly located on the chest and back.

Why pimples on the face?

One of the main causes of the appearance of pimples on the face is excess sebum. And overactive sebaceous glands are caused by an imbalance of sex hormones. This is why acne is almost non-existent in men and pimple outbreaks are observed in women as menstruation approaches. To go into detail, the overflow of sebum promotes the development of bacteria responsible for clogging pores, subsequently leading to the formation of pimples.

But other factors can also be at the origin of acne such as smoking for example, or even hereditary inheritance. In addition, long exposure to the sun without protection, as well as a change in contraceptive method would also promote the appearance of these pimples. Finally, women who use beauty products extensively are more exposed to this dermatosis.

Pimples treatments

Pimples on the face, the why and how!

When breakouts are just a few whiteheads and blackheads, twice-daily cleansing of the skin with dermatological bar, micellar water or foaming gel may be sufficient. However, to avoid recurrences, the use of anti-acne lotion or gel can also be recommended, with hydration of the skin using a special day or night cream for acne-prone skin.

For severe and recurrent acne, dermatological care is recommended, because apart from the usual anti-acne products, there are medications such as antibiotic lotions or ointments. It should be noted that the prescription of contraceptive pills in order to stabilize hormonal secretion is done less and less; in this case, dermatologists prefer to send patients to a fellow gynecologist. In addition, the controversy around Diane 35 - anti-acne used as a contraceptive for years - which was suspected of causing associated risks of venous thrombosis, did not encourage its prescription.

Daily acne

The most important thing not to do is to take care of your acne yourself by trying to dislodge them from the epidermis. Leave this gesture to a professional especially in the event of the presence of comedones requiring to be extracted. In any case, for people already prone to pimples, makeup or not, regular cleansing and exfoliation of the skin is recommended.

Exposure to the sun without UV protection is also to be avoided. Prefer creams and lotions with a minimum protection factor of 50 SPF. Otherwise, if ugly pimples have already taken up residence on your pretty face, you can camouflage them by applying a veil of foundation on your face with a slightly darker complexion compared to the color of your skin.