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The 10 Best Tips To Quit Smoking Once And For All.

The 10 Best Tips To Quit Smoking Once And For All.

Being a smoker is like being lost in a maze.

And to find the exit, you need a plan!

So you want to say goodbye to fag once and for all?

Fortunately, there are easy tips to help you understand this maze...

Without further ado, here are the 10 best tips to quit smoking :

The 10 Best Tips To Quit Smoking Once And For All.

  • 1. Set a specific date and time for your last cigarette
  • 2. Rejoice that you are no longer a smoker
  • 3. Take one last cigarette and make a solemn vow
  • 4. Rest assured:weaning is light and passes quickly!
  • 5. Don't change your social life and don't avoid smokers
  • 6. Don't try to "not think" about smoking, because it doesn't work
  • 7. "Come on, just one cigarette..." that doesn't work!
  • 8. Beware of patches and other nicotine substitutes
  • 9. Throw away all your cigarettes, because you are no longer a smoker!
  • 10. Enjoy your newfound freedom and be careful not to fall back into the trap
  • For help, read Allen Carr's book
  • What if you crack?

1. Set a specific date and time for your last cigarette

The 10 Best Tips To Quit Smoking Once And For All.

One of the best ways to quit smoking is to set a deadline.

Choose a specific date and time to quit smoking.

Then, continue to smoke as usual , until the date of your judgment.

But don't try to reduce your consumption before the date in question!

Why ? Because smoking less only increases the so-called "pleasure" associated with each cigarette.

2. Rejoice that you are no longer a smoker

The 10 Best Tips To Quit Smoking Once And For All.

How to quit smoking if you're not proud of it?

Quitting smoking is NOT a sacrifice. Because concretely, cigarettes bring us nothing .

Some people think that cigarettes bring pleasure. Others see them as a kind of crutch that helps them get through times of stress.

But in reality, cigarettes simply make us addicted, and turn us into slaves to nicotine...

So, tell yourself once and for all:by quitting smoking, you are not giving up ANYTHING . On the contrary, there is only positive on the horizon...!

You are going to have better health, more energy, more money, more self-confidence, more self-respect and more freedom.

But above all, you increase your life expectancy, to spend more time with those who love you.

Reality ? This is what you will love be a non-smoker. And this, from the moment you crush your last cigarette :-)

3. Take one last cigarette and make a solemn vow

The 10 Best Tips To Quit Smoking Once And For All.

Tell yourself that in fact you are not giving up anything. You get rid of something that clutters your life. You can quit smoking, and easily.

An effective technique to quit smoking is to make a promise.

For example, mark the occasion, light one last cigarette and make a solemn vow :

"No matter what the ups and downs of life, I will never smoke a cigarette again."

This is one of the most important decisions you will have to make, because the length and quality of your life directly depends on it.

Plus, you know quitting smoking is a good decision the moment you make it.

There's no doubt:you made a good choice, so don't question it!

4. Rest assured:weaning is light and passes quickly!

The 10 Best Tips To Quit Smoking Once And For All.

Yes, your body needs a few days to wean off nicotine.

But don't panic, that doesn't mean you're going to be depressed, or that you're going to want to smoke.

Be aware that the physical symptoms of withdrawal are very mild . They are not associated with pain and they pass quickly.

In fact, smokers suffer from these symptoms throughout their smoking lives! But non-smokers never suffer from it.

Now that you're a non-smoker, you'll soon be free of it forever .

So a piece of advice, don't rack your brains with thoughts like:

"I'm not going to be able to smoke a cigarette with my coffee anymore."

Indeed, smokers often tend to associate their cigarette with a break at work.

Or even at a particular moment like having a coffee or a drink on the terrace. Instead, try saying to yourself:

"It's great, I can finally enjoy the moment without having a cigarette in hand... and without suffocating!"

5. Don't change your social life and don't avoid smokers

The 10 Best Tips To Quit Smoking Once And For All.

Do not avoid social situations where you used to smoke.

Indeed, no need to avoid smokers, because you will no longer want to smoke a cigarette.

On the contrary, you must immediately confront social situations where it will be impossible not to be surrounded by smokers.

Why ? Because otherwise, you will have great difficulty saying no to cigarettes when you resume a normal life.

So, from the start, go out and take advantage of every social occasion. Hold on and don't envy your smoking friends...have pity on them.

In reality, it is them who will envy you! Each of them would like to be like you:finally free from this prison of smoking.

No one wants to see their children start smoking, especially smokers. This means that they also regret having become smokers...

Remember, as a non-smoker, you are not depriving yourself of anything.

These are the poor smokers who deprive themselves of their health, their energy, their money...

And they also deprive themselves of their serenity, their self-confidence, their courage, their self-respect, their freedom.

So, if you're offered a cigarette, you don't need to start a long conversation to explain how long it's been since you've smoked.

Simply answer:"No thanks, I don't smoke. "

Just because you've been quitting for a while doesn't mean you're the "intruder" at a party.

You have to take responsibility. You no longer smoke, period.

6. Don't try to "not think" about cigarettes, because it doesn't work

The 10 Best Tips To Quit Smoking Once And For All.

It's logic. If I say to you, "Don't think of the beach," what are you thinking? At the beach, of course!

So, don't even try to "not think" about cigarettes, because that will NEVER work. Thinking about smoking is completely normal, don't resist.

When you think about it, don't say to yourself, "Hey, I'd like to smoke a cigarette."

Instead, try saying to yourself, "This is amazing:I no longer need To smoke. I no longer want To smoke. Hooray, I'm a non-smoker !"

Looking at it this way, you can think about smoking all you want, but without it stressing you out .

7. "Come on, just one cigarette..." that doesn't work!

The 10 Best Tips To Quit Smoking Once And For All.

"Come on, just a puff..." or "I'm going to smoke, but only in the evening."

This is THE thought that brings many former smokers back!

You too will surely think that you can smoke a cigarette once in a while.

For example, one or two puffs in the evening, or a "small" cigarette to overcome a difficult moment...

But don't kid yourself. A puff will bring a second, then a third, and so on...

And in no time, you'll be smoking again, without even realizing it.

So, remember:one cigarette does not exist.

8. Beware of patches and other nicotine substitutes

The 10 Best Tips To Quit Smoking Once And For All.

Avoid nicotine substitutes such as the patch, nicotine chewing gum or electronic cigarettes.

Even though these substitutes do replace cigarettes, they give the illusion that you are making a sacrifice.

But in reality, these substitutes maintain your nicotine addiction .

It is therefore not a miracle cure for quitting smoking. On the contrary!

As a result, quitting smoking becomes even more difficult!

In essence, it is like advising a drug addict who smokes drugs to start injecting instead!

9. Throw away all your cigarettes, because you are no longer a smoker!

The 10 Best Tips To Quit Smoking Once And For All.

Do not keep spare cigarettes! Why?

Because keeping cigarettes "in case of emergency" means that you doubt your decision.

This is a must-have recipe!

Those who don't smoke don't need cigarettes. And the moment you stump out your last butt, you become a non-smoker.

This is just one of the many benefits of your new found freedom.

No more tobacco bondage! You can forget that awful worry of always having cigarettes and a lighter on you.

So don't keep cigarettes on you, or anywhere else. Throw them all away. And also get rid of all your lighters and ashtrays :-)

10. Enjoy your newfound freedom and be careful not to fall back into the trap

The 10 Best Tips To Quit Smoking Once And For All.

In no time, your life will be back to normal, as a non-smoker :-)

And now that you live without cigarettes, enjoy your freedom!

But be careful, because our mind is sneaky! He will always try to rationalize your urge to smoke, and find crazy reasons to start smoking again.

So, never let your guard down! Remember:one cigarette does not exist.

Is your mind trying to play a trick on you? Are you saying that the question is not:"What if I smoked a cigarette, just one?"

The real question is:

"Do I want to become a smoker again, to put thousands of cigarettes in my mouth, to light them and to shoot them...

And this, several times a day, every day of the year, without ever being able to stop?"

The answer, of course, is "no".

In those moments of doubt, congratulate yourself on your choice, on your new life.

Think of the freedom of being a non-smoker, and being able to enjoy the rest of your life, without cigarettes!

For help, read Allen Carr's book

The 10 Best Tips To Quit Smoking Once And For All.

To quit smoking naturally, this book is a great help. You will find lots of tips to quit smoking.

All of these tips are taken from Allen Carr's best-selling book, The Simple Way to Quit Smoking.

I urge you to read this guide, considered THE best way to quit smoking.

What if you crack?

The 10 Best Tips To Quit Smoking Once And For All.

Don't worry, it happens to everyone :-)

If you start smoking again, don't consider it a failure .

The important thing is to stay motivated to try again!

Quitting smoking is never easy.

But people really motivated to quit for good are those who make several strenuous attempts.

Instead, see your "failure" as a stage in your learning process . Try to figure out what made you start smoking again.

What obstacles were you unable to overcome? What conditions were not conducive to your success?

Above all, don't be too hard on yourself if you crack once. Keep hanging on and letting go of that urge. Definitely worth it!