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How to remove a tick - and keep it away in the first place

Lyme disease was identified by scientists in 1982, and since then the disease has exploded. Every year many people become infected by the disease, which is spread through the blood by an insect or a tick bite, in the case of Lyme a bite from the black-legged tick. When a tick bites, it can transmit diseases.

Prevention and early treatment are very important. Lyme disease can become a serious multi-system disease that affects the nervous system, joints and heart. Being aware of ticks—keep them away and, if exposed, remove them immediately—is the key to safely enjoying time in our backyard, park or beach. With that in mind, we offer 5 tips for getting ticks off and keeping them off:

1. Remember your daily tick check

Black-legged ticks are usually active from spring to fall. They are small – the size of a poppy seed in the spring, and a sesame seed in the fall. And they love hidden spots:our groin, navel, armpits and scalp. Mirrors can help with a full body check. And showering shortly after arrival can help you feel any imperfections.

2. Found a tick? Fast, secure removal is key

The sooner you remove the tick, the lower the risk of Lyme disease. Transmission is reduced if the tick comes off within 24 hours. Careful removal is important:use fine-tipped tweezers to grab the tick as close to the skin as possible. Pull straight up, without twisting, to completely remove the tick. Do not touch or crush the tick. It can be flushed. Thoroughly disinfect the bite area and wash your hands.

3. After the bite? Consider your options

You should circle the area around the bite and keep an eye on it. Lyme bacteria can cause a range of skin rashes, which must be treated quickly. But often no rash occurs and fatigue, pain or flu-like symptoms also require immediate treatment.

4. Remember:prevention first!

Picaridin or DEET based repellent can repel the ticks. And treating shoes, clothing, and equipment with permethrin spray can block a tick's travel. Wear light-colored clothes with pants tucked into socks. And stay away from tall grasses, green areas and stone walls where ticks are waiting to grab. Likewise, the yard should have short grass with hanging spots away from tick-friendly zones.

5. Do not give the tick a lift

Pet owners should be careful that the ticks don't hitch a ride. The critters can also sneak in clothes:throwing outerwear in the dryer for ten minutes can kill hidden ticks – which will survive the washing machine.