Wearing a mask all day is far from a cake walk !
Especially when you have to wear it to work.
Difficult breathing, elastics that hurt, pimples on the face, fogging of the glasses and sometimes headaches...
Whether it's a disposable mask, a cloth mask or a homemade mask, wearing the mask can be very unpleasant.
However, very often, it is mandatory! And we must keep it for long hours at a stretch, especially in business or in the office.
Fortunately, here are 8 effective tips to better support the mask all day. Watch:
Sometimes you feel like you can't breathe completely.
And it's a particularly unpleasant feeling!
If you're having trouble breathing, your mask may not be suitable.
According to the Robert-Sauvé Canadian Research Institute for Occupational Health and Safety (IRSST), "choosing a mask that fits the shape and size of the face well can reduce discomfort."
You may be more comfortable wearing a disposable surgical mask or a cloth mask.
Try both and you'll quickly see which one you support better.
Most people find paper masks more comfortable.
Another test to do to find out if your mask is well suited:the candle test. Light a candle, put on your mask and blow out the candle.
If you manage to extinguish the flame, your mask is not filtering enough.
On the other hand, if the flame does not move at all, your mask is too thick and filtering.
If so, it's normal for you to have difficulty breathing. Check out the trick here.
The problem is that we often have the reflex to breathe with the mouth to capture as much air as possible.
And this is a mistake, because it promotes humidity in the mask, which is unpleasant.
According to the IRSST, it is best to breathe through your nose.
Thus, it is better to "promote breathing through the nose (mouth closed) when wearing a mask. This generates less heat and humidity".
Another advantage of breathing through the nose:when you breathe through your mouth, it tends to dry it out.
And the more you have a dry mouth, the more likely you are to have bad breath. Not great with the mask!
Finally, there is another trick to breathe more easily without the mask sticking to the mouth as soon as you inhale or speak.
It is to put on a breathable support.
As we have just seen, it is better to breathe with the nose.
And breathing well with a mask means you shouldn't get angry, make significant physical efforts or run around.
Now is not the time to sprint after your bus!
Even if it's not always easy, you have to know how to stay calm even when you're claustrophobic.
If this is the case for you, it is best to take short breaks by lowering your mask when you are alone.
It allows you to regain your senses and decompress for a few minutes.
To discover: 11 Simple Remedies To Eliminate Stress In Just A Few Minutes.
Do you have dry mouth? Do headaches regularly bother you?
You are thirsty ? Are you coughing and have a sore throat?
These are phenomena that often occur when the mask is worn for a long time.
Why ? Because because of the mask we tend to drink less.
As a result, we dehydrate more quickly.
And dehydration often leads to headaches, a scratchy throat and a feeling of dry mouth.
So when you wear the mask, remember to drink regularly, even more than usual. It's very important not to feel bad.
If you forget to drink water regularly, here is a simple trick that will help you reach your goals.
To discover: 12 Effective Tips For Withstanding The Mask In BIG HEAT.
Another big hassle with the mask:it's when you wear the mask... with glasses!
We quickly have the impression of ending up in an aquarium with fog everywhere! As a result, you can't see anything... Not super practical!
Fortunately, there are tried and true tips for wearing the mask without fogging.
Do you know this American surgeon's trick to prevent glasses from fogging?
His anti-fog trick is to stick a bandage on the mask at nose level. And it's only afterwards that he puts on his glasses. Check out the trick here.
And a priori , he knows what he is talking about since he has been wearing the mask and the glasses almost all day for many years.
Put the glasses on the mask, adjust the mask well, use a tissue, a plaster, liquid soap...
Here are 5 other anti-fog tips to prevent glasses from fogging up when wearing the mask.
And if none of that works for you, maybe the last solution is to switch to contact lenses if that's possible for you?
By dint of wearing the mask, the rubber bands behind the ears end up rubbing, pulling and hurting.
Does the mask hurt your ears?
To relieve your ears, the trick is to put the rubber bands somewhere other than behind the ears.
Here are 7 tips to avoid earache when wearing a mask:
- Use adjustable bars to hang the rubber bands behind the head.
- No bar? It doesn't matter, use a simple paperclip to hang the mask behind the head as in the photo below:
- If you don't want to buy adjustable barrettes, make them yourself. This is a really easy DIY to do. All you need is a fairly wide ribbon of 15 cm on which you sew two buttons to pass the elastics through. The tutorial here.
- You can also use a headband on which you sew two buttons to hang the rubber bands. It requires some sewing, but it's really very effective as you can see below:
- If you know how to sew, you can even make the headband yourself and sew on two buttons, just to match the homemade mask and the DIY mask clip! The tutorial here.
- There are also tutorials for making a homemade mask clip in polymer clay. Easy to make and pretty! The tutorial here.
- Boys will probably prefer the cap version. Just sew two buttons on the sides of the cap to put the elastics.
As we have seen, wearing the mask promotes humidity.
Not to mention that it prevents the skin from breathing!
It is the ideal combination for the development of unwanted acne pimples.
But it's not inevitable.
By adopting an adapted beauty routine, you can limit the appearance of pimples.
Here are 10 tips to avoid pimples when wearing the mask for a long time.
You'll see, it's very simple!
To discover: Baking Soda + Coconut Oil:The Best Cleanser For Problematic Skin.
In winter, we always tend to have dry lips.
But with the mask, it's even worse!
Lips are even drier and chapped from repeated contact with the mask.
No need to spend too much on lip balms that contain lots of chemicals.
Try one of these easy and natural recipes to regain hydrated, supple and soft lips.
Yes gentlemen, to make wearing a mask a little more comfortable, you will have to make a small sacrifice!
You know very well what I'm talking about:shaving your beard (or at least trimming it a little).
And for that, nothing beats a homemade shaving foam. Discover the recipe here.