Family Best Time >> Health

How a day at Efteling ends in fainting in the middle of the night

After a day at Efteling, we only have one wish… to go home. To our warm nest. “Shall we all have a nice meal together?” “Something easy is fine too.” Husband's eyes look tired. “A day with the kids is harder than a day at work, isn't it, honey?” He nods. "Certainly."

‘But we still drive past the supermarket and butcher. I'm going to make a delicious healthy meal to end this fun day.' Husband nods. “Can I sit in the office for half an hour then?” I start to laugh. ‘Just give in to your work addiction for a while.’

Table of Contents

Dangerously delicious cooking

I clean the broccoli, cut them into florets and put the pan on the fire. The potatoes in the oven are already looking quite brown. I grab the oven dish with a tea towel to toss them and feel a shooting pain through my arm.

“Ouch!” “Are you okay?” Daughter 18 calls from the couch. I close the oven again and turn on the cold tap. When the pain is numbed by the running water, I take a good look at the spot. Fortunately, it's okay. I will soon continue with the meal.

Night adventures

That evening I lie in bed and for the first time I have the time to take a good look at the burnt spot. Jeezmina it's not a place-you but a PLACE. Frankly, it scares me a bit and shows the burn to Husband. "Gosh, you should put some ointment on that." But I'm so comfortable that I click my light out. I'll see you tomorrow.

It is three o'clock in the morning when I wake up with a start because my arm is rubbing against the mattress. I am literally dying of pain. Donders, why can't I put my arm aside for a while?

I click on my light and slowly stand up. In retrospect it might have been better to put an ointment on it and put a gauze over it. I slide my feet into my slippers and walk to the medicine cabinet in the bathroom. As I take the gauze out of the package, I feel a dizzy spell coming on and I really have to hold on. A slight panic overtakes me and I want to lie down in my bed as quickly as possible. With the gauze in my hand I take big steps back towards my bed.

“What are you doing?” Husband looks concerned as I lie on the floor. "Oh," I stammer. “So I didn't make it to the bed.” He picks me up carefully and puts me in bed anyway. Then he takes over the gauze from me.

I'm glad I'm lying… in bed.

Pain fainting:how it works

The next day I take it easy. I was quite shocked that I just passed out. And because I always want to know everything, I looked up why you pass out from the pain.

By experiencing pain, the blood vessels in the body become a lot wider. The blood then sinks down, causing less blood to reach the brain. This causes too little oxygen to reach the brain. The result of this is:fainting. This does not necessarily have to be physical pain, it can also be mental pain. Hearing bad news can hurt too. This has the same effect as physical pain.

Fainting is a defense response of the body and does not result in pain. Yet it is indeed annoying.

A donkey generally bumps itself… (but I do)

The next day I walk with a taped arm. It's a good way to get attention, but I'd rather have less pain. Combustion is quite annoying. I read on the internet that antioxidants accelerate the healing of burns. Luckily I still have peppers in my fridge. While I cut the bell pepper into strips, I drill right through my thumb with the same knife.

Shall I lie down?

