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ADHD medication for children; the advantages, disadvantages and possibilities

Personally I don't like the labels very much, but sometimes you can't get out of it. Does your child have or does not have ADHD is such a label, for example. Sometimes it's fine not to have to name it exactly. But if the ADHD characteristics are clearly present and the child is really suffering from it, then it might be nice if 'the label' can be put on it. In that case, ADHD medication can also be prescribed if desired. Medication that ensures that some features of ADHD can be treated.

We previously wrote a blog about ADHD characteristics in children. Do you recognize your child in this, and it turns out to be a real problem, then it is in any case good to visit the doctor. But even then, ADHD medication is not simply prescribed for children.

Table of Contents

When can my child be prescribed ADHD medication?

For starters, your child must be 6 years or older and the medication for ADHD is never prescribed without previous treatments. The medication can therefore be the next step in the treatment, in addition to the ongoing treatment. The parenting advice (also partly described in the article above) will always remain in effect.

If the parenting advice is not sufficient, then a supplement can be looked at by means of ADHD medication. These drugs can temporarily reduce the characteristics and remove the sharp edges.

Furthermore, the medication for ADHD cannot be combined with certain diseases, such as high blood pressure or heart disease.

Which ADHD medications can be used?

Does your child have a mild form of ADHD? Then, as indicated above, behavioral therapy is often enough. If there are more serious features and more problems, he or she can be prescribed medication by the GP. With the medication, your child gets more peace of mind and can concentrate better. During the time that the active substance is still in the body. When the drug has worn off, the ADHD characteristics become visible again. Until there may come a time when the ADHD characteristics are reduced by, for example, newly acquired habits.

There are several types of ADHD medication. If all goes well, your doctor can best determine which medicine is best for your child. The most common drugs are:

  • Ritalin
  • Concerta
  • Medikinet
  • Equasym
  • Kinectene

These medicines contain the active ingredient methylphenidate, which - in addition to the positive influences - also has the necessary side effects.

Fun fact:Many people think that ADHD medication is addictive, but that is not the case. As long as it is used according to prescription, there is no risk of addiction. You can just stop using it in one go, even after several times of use. The ADHD characteristics will then become visible again.

The cost of ADHD medication

You hear more and more often that children are diagnosed with ADHD. This can of course be very difficult for children. But not just for the kids. The rest of the family can also suffer if one of the children is diagnosed with ADHD. Emotionally, but also financially. Fortunately, there is your health insurance that reimburses most costs, but not always! Not all of the above medicines are reimbursed from the basic insurance. The basic insurance only pays the bill if your child uses the cheapest medicine. But what if a more expensive drug is prescribed?

Does the GP prescribe a more expensive medicine for your child?

In that case, the basic insurance only reimburses up to the amount that the cheapest medicine costs. Of course, the amount of ADHD medication that is prescribed for your child is then taken into account. You pay the rest yourself, they call this your own contribution. If you want to limit your own contribution as much as possible, you can take out supplementary insurance. Just like you do, for example, if your child needs braces, because the costs of braces can also add up. These insurance policies are not cheap, but the medication is often even more expensive.

Tip:In this overview of reimbursements you can see which insurer reimburses the costs for ADHD medicines.

It is not only the reimbursement of the insurer that is important when comparing health insurance policies. You should also take a good look at the additional conditions that an insurer sets. For example, it is useful to know whether a medical selection applies. In that case, you must first complete a questionnaire and you may be refused by the insurer. Fortunately, there is direct acceptance for ADHD medication in most cases, but not in all cases.

Side effects of ADHD drugs

Besides the fact that the ADHD medicines can work very well (no guarantee, there are also children where it does not help), it is also possible that your child will experience side effects from using this medication. And the list of possible side effects is not small. Examples of this:

  • Headache
  • abdominal pain
  • Changes in blood pressure
  • Be Somer
  • Changes in heart rate
  • Sleep worse
  • Less appetite
  • More irritable
  • Poor responsiveness

It is therefore always important to make a good assessment in addition to the advice of the GP. Will your child be helped with ADHD medication or do the side effects that he or she experiences do not outweigh the benefits?

ps… keep in mind that the active ingredient of the above medicines is only approved for use for children. Not for adults.

In addition, a last tip, if you switch to medication for your child. Many insurers have contracts with pharmacies. Also check whether 'your' pharmacy is contracted with your insurer. This can just change from year to year.

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