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Back pain:how to relieve it?

Back pain:how to relieve it?

Nearly eight out of ten people over the age of 65 report suffering from back pain. The normal aging of the body (disc degeneration, wear of the intervertebral discs, osteoarthritis, etc.) is most often the cause of these pains which can lead to a reduction in the autonomy of seniors. After the age of 60, the decrease in muscle mass and, on the contrary, the increase in fat mass, just like menopause and osteoporosis in women over 50, are also causes of the onset of headache. back. How to alleviate this scourge which affects a large number of seniors in particular?

Relieve back pain with drug treatments

The majority of back pain, especially the most painful ones, result in almost necessarily having to take medication to relieve them. And this, whether it is lumbar pain (low back pain of renal, vertebral, nervous origin, etc.) or even sciatica for example, very common especially among seniors because they are due, due to aging, the narrowing of the canal located in the lower back which contains the nerve roots that innervate the lower limbs.

To quickly relieve back pain, the doctor usually prescribes analgesics, anti-inflammatories and, when the pain is really severe, sometimes morphine-based drugs.

Sometimes these drug treatments alone are not enough to relieve back pain. In this case, and in particular for sciatica problems due to osteoarthritis, which are more frequent in the elderly, the doctor may also recommend corticosteroid injections.

Staying active:a cure for back pain

Contrary to popular belief, back pain should not prevent you from moving and staying active, quite the contrary. Indeed, maintaining a maximum of activities, adapted of course to your pain in particular, makes it possible to strengthen the muscles of the back and therefore to relieve pain.

If the spine is one of the strongest parts of the body, it is supported by very powerful ligaments and muscles that allow it to move, stay upright, etc. And these muscles need to be maintained and strengthened to fully play their role and precisely avoid fatigue of the spine and stiffening, most of the time resulting in back pain.

This is why, even when you suffer from back pain, it is important to continue to be active by adapting your usual activities at home or outside.

Practice a physical activity adapted to back pain

As we have seen, back pain should not prevent you from moving. Staying inactive can even make the pain you feel worse.

In order to put the odds on your side to avoid back pain or relieve it quickly, it is also important to practice a physical activity, certainly gentle at the start, but progressive to recover as quickly as possible. Physical activity “contributes to a reduced risk of back pain, less aging of the spine and better overall health “, as underlined by the Health Insurance. Many sports such as swimming, walking, cycling, etc., are ideal for people who suffer from back pain.

To relieve back pain, it is also recommended to perform some simple exercises that can be done easily at home.

In particular, you can perform stretching and flexibility exercises as recommended in particular by the Health Insurance on its website

To properly stretch your back and relieve your pain, sit on the ground on all fours, arch your back by raising your head and inhaling, then round your back by blowing. Repeat the operation until your back pain is relieved as much as possible.

You can also make your back more flexible by positioning yourself on the ground kneeling, sitting on your heels, your back rolled up, your forearms folded on the ground with your forehead resting on them, and keep the position for a few minutes.

To strengthen your back muscles while stretching, and to relieve your pain, lie on your back on a mat, legs bent, feet flat on the floor and arms crossed behind your head. Keeping your back glued to the ground, bring your knees to your shoulders while blowing and keep the position for 6 seconds, then start again.