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How to Dress Baby at Night? The Practical Guide According to the Temperature.

How to Dress Baby at Night? The Practical Guide According to the Temperature.

All parents ask themselves the same question!

How do you know if your baby is cold at night... Or, on the contrary, too hot?

Dressing baby well at night is super important for good sleep and good health.

Fortunately, my children's pediatrician had recommended a guide for me on how to cover them at night.

I admit that it's super practical and reassuring

Here is the simple guide to know how to dress baby at night so that he sleeps well. Watch:

How to Dress Baby at Night? The Practical Guide According to the Temperature.

1. Less than 16°C

If it is less than 16°C in the room where baby sleeps, you must cover it well .

So we put socks, a long-sleeved bodysuit, pajamas, a very warm sleeping bag (TOG 2 to 2.5 or even 3).

You can add a cap so that it does not get cold at the ends.

Attention, there must not be a tie on the cap to avoid the risk of suffocation.

2. Between 17 and 20°C

It may seem a bit chilly...

But it's the perfect temperature for a baby's room.

A warm sleeping bag (2 to 2.5 TOG) and a toweling onesie are enough.

You can add a bodysuit with long or short sleeves if the sleeping bag is lighter.

But rather than piling up the layers of clothing, it is better to bet on warm materials .

It is best to choose a warm sleeping bag, well suited to cool temperatures.

A fleece or fleece material is ideal.

The good news ? Some sleeping bags have removable sleeves.

This is very practical for adapting to changing temperatures.

3. Between 21 and 23°C

21, 22, 23 degrees... We stay in acceptable temperatures, especially in summer.

But it is important to lighten baby's outfit.

We will choose a lighter sleeping bag (1 TOG).

And we opt for a long-sleeved or short-sleeved cotton bodysuit.

If you want to put him in pajamas instead of a bodysuit, choose cotton pajamas.

4. Between 24 and 26°C

It's getting hot!

And you have to adapt the baby's outfit.

We choose a light sleeping bag (1 TOG) and a short-sleeved bodysuit.

Other option:

You can put on a short-sleeved bodysuit and light pajamas instead of the sleeping bag.

5. From 26°C and above

Temperatures are rising...

And it's more and more frequent because of the heat waves.

We now easily reach 30°C every summer.

In this case, it is already necessary to try to keep the baby's room as cool as possible, thanks to these tips.

With these high temperatures, even at night, we are tempted to let baby sleep naked, with just a diaper.

It can be a good option for a nap.

But do you know that at night it is better to avoid?

Because baby may be cold when temperatures drop in the early morning.

In addition, babies often appreciate feeling protected and wrapped.

This is why you can still wear a very light sleeping bag (0.5 TOG).

And even if baby sleeps without sleeping bag , a thin layer of fabric reassures them.

A simple short-sleeved bodysuit does the trick.

Choose natural materials such as cotton, bamboo or linen.

They have the advantage of letting the skin breathe and absorb perspiration.


How to Dress Baby at Night? The Practical Guide According to the Temperature.

There you go, now you know how to dress baby at night :-)

It's not that complicated, is it?

That way it is neither too hot nor too cold.

And it's useful, whatever your child's age:1 month, 6 months, 8 months, 16 months, 1 year...

But do you know the ideal temperature in the baby's room?

It's just as important and we are often surprised!

The correct temperature is around 18°C.

Did you know?

What is the TOG?

You may have noticed this statement on the labels of sleeping bags:TOG?

I'm sure you too are wondering "what is this thing"?

TOG is a heat index .

It allows you to evaluate the thermal resistance of a sleeping bag.

In other words, it allows you to know if the latter is more or less hot!

The higher the index, the warmer the sleeping bag.

And this index is also used for footmuffs.


To avoid choking hazard during the night, avoid quilts, blankets and sheets in the crib.

For safety reasons, they are not recommended for infants.

Your turn...

Have you used this practical guide to find out how to dress baby at night? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!