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How to Relieve Back Pain? The 6 Tips from Our Sports Coach.

How to Relieve Back Pain? The 6 Tips from Our Sports Coach.

Back pain is the evil of the century.

Shooting pains or downright annoying, they ruin our lives.

Do you want to relieve your back pain?

So follow the 6 commandments of our sports coach to get rid of your back pain.

How to Relieve Back Pain? The 6 Tips from Our Sports Coach.

1. To bend down, your knees will bend

Every time you lean forward with your legs straight, you damage your back. So keep your back straight bending down and bend your legs instead .

2. Heavy loads, close to the body you will carry

Carrying heavy loads close to the body, not at arm's length, reduces the pressure which works against your intervertebral discs. It's much less bad for you.

3. The support points you will always use

When you brush your teeth, you lean forward. Support yourself with one hand on the sink to relieve your back.

When you take the groceries out of your trunk, put your foot on the bumper to prevent the full weight of the bags from pulling on your lumbar spine.

4. If you are in pain, in the evening you will stretch

Stretching the muscles avoids painful contractures. Not to be neglected at the end of the day to relieve pain.

5. The abs, you will never neglect

Deep abs support the spine. Strengthening them strengthens your back and prevents false movements. The contraction of the abs prevents the sliding of one vertebra on the other.

6. And to end your day well, in a good bed you will sleep

A good bed is a bed in which you sleep well, whether it is hard or soft. The important thing is that the bedding is not too old.

Changing bedding every 5 years avoids sleeping in a bed that no longer supports the back.

Your turn...

By adopting these gestures on a daily basis, you will gradually relieve your back, so smile, it's free! At least try... And give us your opinion in comments.