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This way you feel less bloated when traveling

This way you feel less bloated when traveling

Nutritionist Anita Mulderij shares useful tips to prevent bloating while traveling.

Anita Mulderij: 'Almost everyone suffers from it (and those who don't are lucky):bloating when you travel. For example, when you arrive in the destination country after a long flight, or after a few days when you have feasted on specialties from the local cuisine.

Very annoying, especially when you're ready for some relaxing time. Still, there are a number of ways to avoid having to experience that bloated feeling every time. And with these tips and tricks.

#1 Keep moving
When you are on the road for a long time, this quickly causes a bloated feeling. But what can you do if you're doomed to spend 11 hours in a cramped airplane seat? Try to get up every two hours. Walk around or go to the toilet. This way you ensure that you keep your digestive system up and running. Traveling by car for a long time? Then plan enough stops. Walk around the parking lot, stretch and preferably do a few sprints where your heart rate goes up considerably. This gives energy and does your entire body very good.

#2 Drink enough water
The dry air in the plane quickly causes you to become dehydrated. And dehydration promotes bloating. So keep drinking well. Avoid drinks that actually dehydrate you – read:alcohol and coffee. Maybe nice during such a long flight, or calming when that turbulence gets out of your throat, but not the most sensible option. Instead, drink water during the flight. Always a few small sips. A nice bonus:you have to go to the toilet a lot. You immediately have some movement.

#3 Stop eating because you are on vacation
On vacation we are often a little less strict with ourselves. An ice cream here, an extra scoop of food during the buffet there… There is a good chance that you will overeat quickly. That doesn't mean you can't enjoy yourself, but try to stick to your normal eating pattern as much as possible. For example, don't go out to the buffet every morning, but also make your own breakfast with yogurt or oatmeal. At least as tasty!

#4 Stock enough healthy snacks
Nice trip on the first day:exploring a foreign supermarket. You immediately have the opportunity to stock up on some healthy snacks. For example, unsalted nuts, Greek yogurt, fruit or vegetables. This ensures that you can make a healthy choice in between, so that you are not only full until the next larger meal, but you also save money on a fatty or sweet snack in between.

#5 Adjust to the new time zone as soon as possible
Have flown far and are you now eleven hours away? Chances are you have jet lag. You eat when you should sleep and you sleep when you should eat. The recipe for bloating, because it really messes up the digestive system. Is it dinner time at your destination? Then try to eat something. Preferably something with a lot of fiber and few carbohydrates. Dead tired, but not yet bedtime? Try – as best you can – to stay awake. And, if you eat something:make sure it is something high in fiber!'

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