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The 8 Effective Remedies When You Have Toothache.

The 8 Effective Remedies When You Have Toothache.

Want to know how to stop a toothache?

While waiting for the appointment with the dentist, which can be scheduled in several days...

It is necessary to relieve the pain well.

Fortunately, there are natural remedies for pain relief.

And it works for cavities, gingivitis or abscesses.

Here are 8 effective grandmother remedies when you have a toothache.

The 8 Effective Remedies When You Have Toothache.

1. The clove

The oldest known grandmother's remedy. But effective. As you know, cloves are antiseptic.

And it can save you from your toothache.

Just put it where it hurts and bite it gently for a few minutes. If you prefer, make a mouthwash by infusing it beforehand.

2. Mouthwash

Here, several ingredients are possible to make a mouthwash.

But in any case, your homemade mouthwash relieves toothache and gum pain.

- cider vinegar:1 teaspoon in 1 glass of warm water,

- peppermint essential oil:1 drop in 1 glass of warm water,

- salt:1 teaspoon in 1 glass of warm water,

- nettle:prepare the equivalent of 1 glass of nettle infusion.

Make mouthwashes by gargling with the chosen mixture. Use all the glass. Do this 1-2 times a day.

3. The cold

Fill a freezer bag with ice cubes and place it on your sore cheek for as long as possible.

4. Garlic

Garlic is a powerful antibiotic. Against pain, it contains allicin. It fights infections.

Just rub a clove of garlic directly on the sore spot. If you prefer, you apply the crushed pod to the affected tooth.

5. Ginger Root

You already know that ginger was effective in protecting your body. It strengthens your immune defences.

It can therefore also be formidable against toothache, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Peel a piece of ginger root and place it on the tooth. Bite gently.

6. Tea tree essential oil

Use your toothbrush:

Put 1 drop of tea tree essential oil on it and rub gently.
Tea tree is naturally antiseptic.

7. Homeopathy

The recommended homeopathic remedy for toothache is Arsenicum 15CH. Take the dose prescribed by your pharmacist.

8. Self-massage

Massaging can relieve the pain for a while. Places susceptible to dental pain are the earlobe, the cheek and the tip of the index finger.

Bonus tips

- Remember to brush your teeth at least twice a day for 3 min.

- Use a soft or medium toothbrush.

- Dental floss can complete brushing and remove impurities.

- Of course, we pay attention to the sugar or we brush our teeth afterwards!

- Remember to see your dentist once a year.

Your turn...

Have you tried these natural remedies to relieve a toothache? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!