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We buy more healthy food when we get a discount

We buy more healthy food when we get a discount

Isn't it strange that unhealthy food is often cheaper than healthy products? So it's not surprising that we are more inclined to buy healthy food when we get a discount.

The Belgian supermarket chain Delhaize started a pilot project called 'Helathy Ucoins'. About 11,000 participants, including employees, received a 20 percent discount when purchasing healthy products, reports. To determine whether a product is healthy, the nutri score of a product was looked at. This is a new system that shows how many healthy and unhealthy properties a product contains. Score A is the best, score E the worst.

Read also: 'Healthy food has become more expensive'


It turned out that the participants bought 35 percent more healthy food than other customers. In addition, products with a nutriscore of C, D, and E were placed in the shopping cart less often.