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Pilmoe? These are five alternatives

Pilmoe? These are five alternatives

Are you still taking the same birth control pill you once started and are you ready for something different? Then see if these alternatives suit you better.


There is a special gel with an acidic pH that causes sperm to become sluggish. This gel should be used to seal a rubber latex or silicone diaphragm. This gel . can also be are used in combination with natural rubber latex or polyurethane condoms. It does not negatively affect the vaginal flora and can be used as long and as often as you wish. It is not a safe contraceptive and does not protect against STDs.

Injectable injection

If you opt for an contraceptive injection, it provides protection for about twelve to thirteen weeks. The contraceptive injection is injected into your thigh or upper leg. An advantage is that you are ready for three months in one go. In addition, the contraceptive injection would lower the risk of ovarian and cervical cancer and your menstrual period is less or even disappears completely! A disadvantage is that if you stop using the contraceptive injection, it can take 4 to 31 months before you are fertile again.

Contraception swab

Implanon is a rod that is four centimeters long and two millimeters wide. It is attached subcutaneously in the upper arm. The swab can last for three years and releases hormones little by little. The rod contains the same amount of hormones as the contraceptive pill. This is therefore a handy alternative for women who often forget the pill.

You do have to see the doctor every three years to replace the swab. This can be painful and therefore the upper arm is given a local anesthetic. Also, the swab can sometimes be visible. Furthermore, it is a long-term remedy, which means that you cannot skip a period, if you want to. It is striking that with more than 20 years of research, not a single pregnancy has occurred with the swab.


The IUD is a small plastic object a few centimeters long, around which copper (without hormones) or silver (with hormones) is wrapped. The doctor places the IUD in your uterus and prevents a fertilized egg from nesting.

An advantage is that you can usually get rid of it for 5 years in one go. A disadvantage is that only a doctor can insert the IUD. Feel free to ask for local anesthetic! You also have no influence on the timing of your period. With the copper variant, menstruation can be more painful than with the pill.

The hormone patch

The hormone patch releases a steady amount of estrogen and progestin, just enough to prevent pregnancy. You leave the patch (4.5 by 4.5 centimeters) on your buttock, stomach, upper arm, shoulder blade or lower back for a week. Pay attention! Choose a different spot every week before replacing it with a new one. Rest assured, the patch will remain in place while showering, swimming or in the sauna. The patch works the same as the pill, so if you stick to it, you will stop the period. Otherwise, menstruate every three patches.

Do you know these ultra-thin condoms already?

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