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These are the 3 benefits of silence

These are the 3 benefits of silence

Always busy around you… a little silence can do a lot for your health. We have listed 3 benefits of silence.

1. Less stress and tension

Being constantly in the bustle with noise and stimuli around you can cause high blood pressure, concentration problems, irregular sleeping patterns and an increased risk of heart attacks. Silence has the opposite effect:a calmer brain and body.

Read also: ‘5 simple ways to feel zen in no time‘

2. Renewal of brain cells

Two hours of silence every day would lead to a renewal of brain cells, in the part that controls your memory and emotion.

3. You become more creative and can reflect better

A lot of input comes in every day. As a result, you are often distracted from your 'core' and there is no room for new thoughts. Silence allows your brain to recharge and process experiences. You can reflect better and get new ideas.

Source:Santé January, text:Yvette Bax