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Always tired? These are surprising causes

Always tired? These are surprising causes

Do you flop on the couch night after night exhausted? It may be that your fatigue has a different cause than you think.

You are breathing wrong

Due to stress and anxiety or simply because you are busy, you can easily breathe wrong. Sitting on a chair, six breaths per minute is sufficient. Many people easily breathe 20 to 25 times per minute. Shallow breathing takes much more energy.

Read also: "Suffering from these symptoms? Maybe you have a protein deficiency'

You are online too often

Thanks to your smartphone, you don't have to miss much. You know exactly what is going on and can answer your email at any time. Being available at any time also has drawbacks. Your brain becomes overstimulated. This insidious stress can eventually cause mental and physical fatigue. To get your head in order, it is important to read your e-mail at fixed times. You can also put your mail app on the last page of your application list. This way you are less likely to open the app automatically.

You are a slob

Clutter can cause mental fatigue because it distracts your brain. Unrest at home also causes unrest in the head for 45 percent of Dutch women and 25 percent of men. The same goes for things you have yet to do, but which you are stubbornly putting off. That also costs energy. Therefore plan annoying chores in your agenda, then they can be removed from your system afterwards.

You suffer from an allergy

Perhaps the source of your structural fatigue is an allergy. In the Netherlands, one in four people is allergic. Common ones are an allergy to dust mites and a food allergy. If you suspect that you have an allergy, do not diagnose on your own, but have yourself tested by your doctor.

You drink too little

Even a moisture deficiency of only 1.5 percent affects your energy level. Your blood becomes thinner, causing the heart to pump faster. The first thirst sensation comes with a fluid deficiency of 1 to 2 percent. So with a dry mouth you run behind the facts. Stick to the daily recommended 1.5 to 2 liters of water and do the urine test. Check the color of your urine before flushing the toilet. Is it colorless to light yellow? Then you're fine. And otherwise:drink more water.

Source:Santé March 2016 Text:Esmir van Wering